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F..k the world

ngakonui grass

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1 hour ago, Gospel Of Judas said:

What selection for most useless world leader. Justin Trudeau, Sleepy Joe and Ardern, Closely followed by Boris Johnston and Scott Morrison.  

I think all the leaders you mention relate to democratic models. So if they are all useless, doesn't that make all the voters that put them in those positions, responsible for their 'uselessness'?

Not that I disagree, but I thought someone as politically savvy as yourself would know, there are a massive number of people that are not too bright in the world - hence why we are here. It is the nature of democracy, and rightly or wrongly, even knowing what we know now, it is probably still better than a dictatorship.

Edited by mardigras
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9 hours ago, Gospel Of Judas said:

Say more to do with Woke and weak leadership in all the countries have mentioned. Plus factor in weak members of political systems and memberships. For allowing these ones to get further up than they deserved. Which of course, does not always follow Democracy driven principals within political party structures. 

No, it is all to do with the voters. They were the leaders when the voting happened. They didn't change overnight. People within nations have to start taking some accountability themselves FFS.

If you don't like the way they are running things, and you voted for them, think about that next time. And if you don't like the way they are running things, leave and go somewhere things are more the way you want.

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On 2/24/2022 at 7:44 PM, Gospel Of Judas said:

What selection for most useless world leader. Justin Trudeau, Sleepy Joe and Ardern, Closely followed by Boris Johnston and Scott Morrison.  

The most useless World leader was Trump by a country mile. Failed to accept a democratic election and made false claims about it being stolen, claims that he could not prove so he planned a coup.

Trump is  followed by Putin and the Village Idiot, Boris.


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On 2/25/2022 at 7:06 AM, ngakonui grass said:

This weekend i hope that the anti war protesters gather outside the Russian Embassy and give them hell or are the anti war protests only reserved for the Americans and British.

Well N G get down to Wellington and exercise your democratic right instead of moaning if you feel so strongly about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/3/2022 at 9:28 PM, ngakonui grass said:

Your interpretation of moaning and mine are obviously worlds apart.

Mate you are a moaner. You are the old "you would ,moan if your arse was on fire" person.  I can't stand Putin he is scum. I note that though that your mate Trump still crawls up his arse.

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/25/2022 at 9:25 PM, barryb said:

You are a classic leftie Bloke, free speech is ok as long as it agrees with yours.


You can say what you like Barry and I may choose to disagree with you. That is what free speech is about. 

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Every Country these days it seems a case of who you dislike the least.The people who would probably do a good job want nothing to do

with it.Now if we could just find a benevolent Dictator we might just get somewhere.

Singapore seems able to find them.

Edited by brown fox
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