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Blind Squirrel

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Everything posted by Blind Squirrel

  1. Trying to make up for a dismal display yesterday although WTF re field sizes at Tauranga R1. 3, 8 R2. 2, 4 R3. 5, 6 R4. 2, 4 R5. 2, 3 R6. 8, 11 BB R7. 12, 14 BB R8. 3, 10
  2. It's a bit devil and the deep blue sea I would opine as until he is officially notified as a non-starter by not accepting for the race he is still recognised as a potential starter. He needs to have the ??? attached to his name in TAB markets so punters are aware he may not accept but there has been many a time that connections have changed their minds - look at Sentimental Miss who was supposed to be spelling after her Wanganui Cup win but was ready to front up today until disaster struck. Or Rondinella who Roger James said publically would not race in New Zealand this spring before heading to Australia then went around at Ellerslie. Agree punters need to be protected but not sure how you do that in a futures market which by definition has a large number quoted and punted on that don't end up lining up. What happens if they do go to Levin and he was removed from the market because of a TV interview?
  3. Watching the replay Leith was talking to the riders of Savy Yong Blanc and The Good Fight before all three pulled up (the first three to do it_ - Coincidence they then ran 1, 2 and 3??
  4. Happy New Year one and all - especially to you PJ in the such trying conditions. Here we go at headquarters!! R1. 1, 7 R2. 1, 8 R3. 1, 5 R4. 1, 4 R5. 2, 3 R6. 2, 3 R7. 7, 10 R8. 5, 9 R9. 7, 9 BB R10. 2, 5 BB R11. 3,6 Hopefully it's a topweights benefit early on at Ellerslie!!!
  5. First up best dressed! R1. 7, 8 R2. 4, 11 BB R3. 12, 13 R4. 7, 8 R5. 1, 2 R6. 6, 11 R7. 11, 13 BB R8. 2, 3 R9. 2, 5
  6. The Squirrel snuck off to Specsavers for Xmas teeheehee
  7. Naki notes below - good luck everyone!! R1. 8, 11 R2. 7, 8 R3. 3, 6 R4. 1, 9 R5. 5, 7 BB R6. 4, 5 R7. 2, 12 BB R8. 3, 6
  8. Well played all round people and the Squirrel exceeded his own expectations in a head bobber - will be back for revenge tomorrow at the naki where there will be nuts a plenty to be gathered!!!
  9. Will try to put the Rotorua wreck behind me and get amongst the southern nuts! R1. 9, 15 R2. 2, 8 BB R3. 2, 7 R4. 2, 8 R5. 2, 10 R6. 4, 7 BB R7. 2, 4 R8. 3, 10 R9. 2, 5 R10. 2, 5
  10. Squirrel in da house - bring on the Rotorua roughies! R1. 7, 8 R2. 4, 6 R3. 2, 9 R4. 9, 11 R5. 1, 9 R6. 4, 6 BB R7. 8, 11 BB R8. 1, 8
  11. Thanks PJ - great work as always. If Kissinger had won the last I would have been MIA for days...curse the Pick 6 gods!!!!
  12. Hope everyone is recovering well from a big day of family and friends. Bring on an even bigger Boxing Day!! R1. 2, 9 R2. 4, 8 R3. 5, 7 R4. 3, 5 R5. 1, 9 R6. 7, 13 R7. 7, 10 R8. 2, 9 R9. 2, 9 BB R10, 2, 3 BB
  13. Assuming it is all go at Awapuni - time to unleash some roughies!! R1. 1, 8 R2. 5, 8 BB R3. 1, 2 R4. 3, 4 BB R5. 3, 10 R6. 5, 11 R7. 3, 8 R8. 4, 10 Best of luck to all and once again a big thanks to PJ!!
  14. The Squirrel's condition is starting to give out - just paddling in the home straight!! R1. 1, 2 R2. 4, 7 R3. 3, 11 BB R4. 10, 14 R5. 3, 6 R6. 4, 5 R7. 1, 11 R8. 1, 5 BB Best of british all players
  15. Good to see my weasel cousin doin the bizo at Wingatui - keep the fur flying!!! The squirrel on the other hand (paw) is considering a trip to specsavers. R1. 5, 8 R2. 5, 8 R3. 3, 8 R4. 5, 11 R5. 8, 9 R6. 6, 7 BB R7. 3, 7 R8. 5, 10 R9. 3, 8 BB Good luck all - thanks PJ
  16. Well played PJ - go forth to further battle in style!! Thankfully the Squirrel managed to get on the last winner at $16 Fixed yesterday (less deductions) but better than the $7 tote price!! Nuts all round......
  17. Home from a tough day at the Squirrel Salt mines and all I can see is a big fat blob next to my Ellerslie score and PJ smashing me with a BB in race 5. Tomorrow is another day however….. R1. 2, 5 R2. 1, 7 R3. 5, 9 R4. 2, 5 R5. 6, 10 R6. 3, 12 BB R7. 4, 8 R8. 2, 8 BB R9. 2, 4
  18. The early rodent gets the nut ...or his nuts crushed!!! R1. 1, 8 R2. 3, 8 R3. 1, 2 R4. 7, 8 R5. 3, 5 BB R6. 2, 13 BB Good luck PJ and all players 😋
  19. OOPS got my bearings crossed - wrong thread!!!
  20. The early rodent gets the nut ...or his nuts crushed!!! R1. 1, 8 R2. 3, 8 R3. 1, 2 R4. 7, 8 R5. 3, 5 BB R6. 2, 13 BB Good luck PJ and all players 😋
  21. I will add my congratulations as well PJ - just a superb effort and fun for all. Of course this does not mean the Squirrel aint getting his game face on for our battle at Ellerslie on Thursday!!!!
  22. Could the famed Wellington winds wreak havoc at Trentham today? The Squirrel could lose his nuts....! R1. 1, 2 R2. 3, 8 R3. 4, 6 R4. 4, 5 R5. 3, 7 R6. 4, 5 R7. 2, 6 BB R8. 1, 9 R9. 4, 8 BB Good luck to all especially PJ trying to sort through the minefield of Head to Heads!!
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