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Lucky Seven 2024 RESULTS THREAD


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Lucky Seven Round 1 - Sat Apr 27

Comp Race 1 - Te Rapa R5

1st - 10 Imunstoppable W-$15.70 P-$4.40

2nd - 15 Our Absolute P-$14.30

3rd - 5 Impendabelle P-$2.50

Q - $358.00

TF - $5136.00

Scr: 14,16

Eliminated: -

Fourteen of 36 starters come undone at the first hurdle as a dozen label the Spratt speedster with Punter Pete and Howie also adding the 3rd placegtter but it is the Warm-Up Winner NG who doubles up with a BB to grab a handsome lead. Going to be an interesting day....

Ngakonui Grass $402.00
Punter Pete $226.00
Howie $226.00
Black Caviar $201.00
Jen $201.00
Lightning Blue $201.00
Jamison $201.00
Secret Squirrel $201.00
Rob $201.00
Tassie Tiger $201.00
Rex $201.00
Hesi $201.00
Steve P $25.00
Maria $25.00
Maurice $25.00
Blind Squirrel $25.00
Ziggy $25.00
Graeme $25.00
Gordy $25.00
Geoff $25.00
Sharne $25.00
Ian $25.00
Roland* $0.00
Max* $0.00
Porky* $0.00
Richie* $0.00
Midnight Caller* $0.00
PJ* $0.00
Anita* $0.00
Rees* $0.00
Gee* $0.00
Robert* $0.00
Stevie N* $0.00
Craig* $0.00
Pete* $0.00
Our Maizcay* $0.00
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Rex 201 v Maria 25

Howie 226 v Midnight Caller* 0

Craig* 0 v Ngakonui Grass 402

Geoff 25 v Pete* 0

Rob 201 v Punter Pete 226

Blind Squirrel 25 v Jen 201

PJ* 0 v Gordy 25

Richie* 0 v Ian 25

Max* 0 v Gee* 0

Roland* 0 v Maurice 25

Porky* 0 v Rees* 0

Jamison 201 v Steve P 25

Tassie Tiger 201 v Graeme 25

Robert* 0 v Stevie N* 0

Ziggy 25 v Lightning Blue 201

Hesi 201 v Anita* 0

Secret Squirrel 201 v Sharne 25

Black Caviar 201 v Our Maizcay* 0

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Lucky Seven Round 1 - Sat Apr 27

Comp Race 2 - Te Rapa R7

1st - 1 Apostrophe W-$1.60 P-$1.10

2nd - 3 Saint Alice P-$1.60

3rd - 10 Final Purchase P-$3.90

Q - $4.10

TF - $51.20

Scr: 4

Eliminated: -

No lives lost thanks to Apostrophes late burst but NG increases his lead as the only striker of the trifecta ! Punter Pete tips 2nd & 3rd to go a clear 2nd with Howie - one of 20 who snag the Q - settles in 3rd. 

Ngakonui Grass $539.30
Punter Pete $281.00
Howie $273.10
Black Caviar $248.10
Secret Squirrel $248.10
Rob $248.10
Tassie Tiger $248.10
Rex $248.10
Hesi $248.10
Lightning Blue $228.00
Jamison $228.00
Jen $217.00
Maurice $72.10
Blind Squirrel $72.10
Ziggy $72.10
Gordy $72.10
Geoff $72.10
Sharne $72.10
Ian $72.10
Steve P $52.00
Roland* $47.10
Max* $47.10
Richie* $47.10
Midnight Caller* $47.10
Rees* $47.10
Robert* $47.10
Maria $41.00
Graeme $41.00
Porky* $27.00
PJ* $27.00
Anita* $27.00
Gee* $27.00
Stevie N* $27.00
Pete* $27.00
Our Maizcay* $27.00
Craig* $16.00
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Rex 248.10 v Maria 41

Howie 273.10 v Midnight Caller* 47.10

Craig* 16 v Ngakonui Grass 539.30

Geoff 72.10 v Pete* 27

Rob 248.10 v Punter Pete 281

Blind Squirrel 72.10 v Jen 217

PJ* 27 v Gordy 72.10

Richie* 47.10 v Ian 72.10

Max* 47.10 v Gee* 27

Roland* 47.10 v Maurice 72.10

Porky* 27 v Rees* 47.10

Jamison 228 v Steve P 52

Tassie Tiger 248.10 v Graeme 41

Robert* 47.10 v Stevie N* 27

Ziggy 72.10 v Lightning Blue 228

Hesi 248.10 v Anita* 27

Secret Squirrel 248.10 v Sharne 72.10

Black Caviar 248.10 v Our Maizcay* 27

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Lucky Seven Round 1 - Sat Apr 27

Comp Race 3 - Te Rapa R8

1st - 9 Snazzytavi W-$4.00 P-$2.00

2nd - 6 Chattahoochee P-$2.00

3rd - 12 Channel Surfer P-$6.20

Q - $12.20

TF - $306.10

Scr: nil

Eliminated: - Midnight Caller, Roland

We lose Roland and MC while Hesi, Sharne, Secret Squirrel, Howie, Jen, LB and leader NG lose a life in the Easter. NG still leads but a sweet Trifecta for Graeme sees him race into a handy 2nd spot with Black caviar now up to 3rd with the quinella, also struck by Maurice, Tassie and PJ. Gee snags a BB on the Lynsey Satherley 3rd placegetter to hove into midfield. More than half the remaining field (19) on their final life as we board for Adelaide...

Ngakonui Grass* $539.30
Graeme $501.30
Black Caviar $340.30
Tassie Tiger $340.30
Rex $310.10
Rob $308.10
Punter Pete $301.00
Jamison $288.00
Howie* $273.10
Secret Squirrel* $248.10
Hesi* $248.10
Lightning Blue* $228.00
Jen* $217.00
Maurice $164.30
Gee* $151.00
Gordy $132.10
Geoff $132.10
Ian $132.10
PJ* $119.20
Blind Squirrel $112.10
Ziggy $112.10
Steve P $112.00
Max* $109.10
Rees* $107.10
Robert* $107.10
Porky* $87.00
Craig* $78.00
Sharne* $72.10
Richie* $67.10
Maria $61.00
Anita* $47.00
Stevie N* $47.00
Pete* $47.00
Our Maizcay* $47.00
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Rex 310.10 v Maria 61

Howie* 273.10 v Midnight Caller 0

Craig* 78 v Ngakonui Grass* 539.30

Geoff 132.10 v Pete* 47

Rob 308.10 v Punter Pete 301

Blind Squirrel 112.10 v Jen* 217

PJ* 119.20 v Gordy 132.10

Richie* 67.10 v Ian 132.10

Max* 109.10 v Gee* 151

Roland 0 v Maurice 164.30

Porky* 87 v Rees* 107.10

Jamison 288 v Steve P 112

Tassie Tiger 340.30 v Graeme 501.30

Robert* 107.10 v Stevie N* 47

Ziggy 112.10 v Lightning Blue* 228

Hesi* 248.10 v Anita* 47

Secret Squirrel* 248.10 v Sharne* 72.10

Black Caviar 340.30 v Our Maizcay* 47

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Lucky Seven Round 1 - Sat Apr 27

Comp Race 4 - Morphettville R5

1st - 8 Skybird W-$7.10 P-$2.60

2nd - 11 Moesha P-$2.10

3rd - 5 Pivot City P-$2.80

Q - $26.30

TF - $272.20

Scr: 13

Eliminated: - Rees, Gee, Hesi, Robert, Pete

We lose 5 in the Tobin Bronze while Maria and BC lose a life. Ngakonui Grass snags the Q on his own to extend his lead while Graeme continues in the trail with a BB on the runner-up. Lightning Blue rolls up to 3rd with a 1st/3rd BB with Punter Pete and Jammo -both on the Freedman flyer - next. Remember the top 10 score Championship points....break even is $552 - beyond that scores a bonus point. Geoff proudly wearing the Timid Terry jersey on his return !

Ngakonui Grass* $683.60
Graeme $543.30
Lightning Blue* $478.00
Punter Pete $398.00
Jamison $385.00
Tassie Tiger $368.30
Rob $357.10
Black Caviar* $340.30
Rex $331.10
Howie* $301.10
Secret Squirrel* $276.10
Gordy $257.10
Jen* $245.00
PJ* $244.20
Ziggy $237.10
Ian $229.10
Blind Squirrel $209.10
Steve P $209.00
Max* $206.10
Maurice $192.30
Porky* $184.00
Stevie N* $172.00
Geoff $160.10
Anita* $144.00
Craig* $106.00
Sharne* $100.10
Our Maizcay* $96.00
Richie* $88.10
Maria* $61.00
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Rex 331.10 v Maria* 61

Howie* 301.10 v Midnight Caller 0

Craig* 106 v Ngakonui Grass* 683.60

Geoff 160.10 v Pete 0

Rob 357.10 v Punter Pete 398

Blind Squirrel 209.10 v Jen* 245

PJ* 244.20 v Gordy 257.10

Richie* 88.10 v Ian 229.10

Max* 206.10 v Gee 0

Roland 0 v Maurice 192.30

Porky* 184 v Rees 0

Jamison 385 v Steve P 209

Tassie Tiger 368.30 v Graeme 543.30

Robert 0 v Stevie N* 172

Ziggy 37.10 v Lightning Blue* 478

Hesi 0 v Anita* 144

Secret Squirrel* 276.10 v Sharne* 100.10

Black Caviar* 340.30 v Our Maizcay* 96

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Lucky Seven Round 1 - Sat Apr 27

Comp Race 5 - Morphettville R6

1st - 5 Seonee W-$5.40 P-$2.10

2nd - 10 Lady Jones P-$2.60

3rd - 14 Silent Surrente P-$5.50

Q - $20.90

TF - $601.00

Scr: 2,8,12,16

Eliminated: - Stevie N, PJ, Secret Squirrel, Maria, Max

We lose another 5 with two to go while Graeme and Geoff (who hands the Timid Terry jersey to Maurice) each lose a life. NG - on the winner - still with a nice lead over Graeme (despite the miss) and LB (2nd placegtter) while BC now up to 4th with a BB on the Billy Egan winner. The top 4 all on their last life so anything could happen in the two Group Ones.

Ngakonui Grass* $758.60
Graeme* $543.30
Lightning Blue* $504.00
Black Caviar* $490.30
Tassie Tiger $490.20
Punter Pete $473.00
Ian $472.90
Jamison $460.00
Rex $453.00
Rob $383.10
Howie* $376.10
Ziggy $359.00
Gordy $332.10
Steve P $330.90
Jen* $326.00
Blind Squirrel $284.10
Maurice $267.30
Porky* $239.00
Anita* $219.00
Our Maizcay* $217.90
Craig* $181.00
Richie* $163.10
Geoff* $160.10
Sharne* $126.10
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Rex 453 v Maria 0

Howie* 376.10 v Midnight Caller 0

Craig* 181 v Ngakonui Grass* 758.60

Geoff* 160.10 v Pete 0

Rob 383.10 v Punter Pete 473

Blind Squirrel 284.10 v Jen* 326

PJ 0 v Gordy 332.10

Richie* 163.10 v Ian 472.90

Max 0 v Gee 0

Roland 0 v Maurice 267.30

Porky* 239 v Rees 0

Jamison 460 v Steve P 330.90

Tassie Tiger 490.20 v Graeme* 543.30

Robert 0 v Stevie N 0

Ziggy 359 v Lightning Blue* 504

Hesi 0 v Anita* 219

Secret Squirrel 0 v Sharne* 126.10

Black Caviar* 490.30 v Our Maizcay* 217.90

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The top 4 all at risk of elimination have the following in the Oaks:

Ngakonui Grass*     $758.60  1-2-4
Graeme*     $543.30              6-8-11
Lightning Blue*     $504.00   1-2-5
Black Caviar*     $490.30     1-8-11


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Lucky Seven Round 1 - Sat Apr 27

Comp Race 6 - Morphettville R7

1st - 6 Vibrant Sun W-$6.00 P-$2.80

2nd - 12 Private Legacy P-$6.50 (a PJ mating)

3rd - 8 Coco Sun P-$2.30

Q - $82.80

TF - $930.20

Scr: 17-19

Eliminated: - Lightning Blue, Porky, Richie, Howie, Ngakonui Grass, Sharne

We lose 6 in the Oaks including leader NG and high-flyer LB while Ian, Rex, BS and Zig lose a life. With just 18 survivors heading into the last Jammo hits the lead with a 1st/3rd BB while Graeme (1st/3rd also) is a close 2nd with Punter Pete (1st BB) right up his tush. Tassie (1st/3rd) and Black Caviar (3rd) in striking distance also. Top 4 already in profit....

Jamison $682.00
Graeme* $654.30
Punter Pete $649.00
Tassie Tiger $601.20
Black Caviar* $513.30
Rob $494.10
Ian* $472.90
Rex* $453.00
Steve P $441.90
Gordy $420.10
Jen* $372.00
Ziggy $359.00
Anita* $307.00
Maurice $290.30
Blind Squirrel* $284.10
Craig* $269.00
Our Maizcay* $263.90
Geoff* $183.10
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Tassie and Graeme in a great tussle to the death...

Rex* 453 v Maria 0

Howie 0 v Midnight Caller 0

Craig* 269 v Ngakonui Grass 0

Geoff* 183.10 v Pete 0

Rob 494.10 v Punter Pete 649

Blind Squirrel* 284.10 v Jen* 372

PJ 0 v Gordy 420.10

Richie 0 v Ian* 472.90

Max 0 v Gee 0

Roland 0 v Maurice 290.30

Porky 0 v Rees 0

Jamison 682 v Steve P 441.90

Tassie Tiger 601.20 v Graeme* 654.30

Robert 0 v Stevie N 0

Ziggy* 359 v Lightning Blue 0

Hesi 0 v Anita* 307

Secret Squirrel 0 v Sharne 0

Black Caviar* 513.30 v Our Maizcay* 263.90

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Last race picks:

Jamison     $682.00 2-11-12
Graeme*     $654.30 4-13-14
Punter Pete     $649.00 5-12-13
Tassie Tiger     $601.20 1-2-12 BB
Black Caviar*     $513.30 4-5-12
Rob     $494.10 2-11-12 BB
Ian*     $472.90 2-4-12
Rex*     $453.00 2-5-13
Steve P     $441.90 1-3-12 BB
Gordy     $420.10 1-2-5 BB
Jen*     $372.00 4-8-14
Ziggy     $359.00 4-5-12
Anita*     $307.00 2-12-13
Maurice     $290.30 12-13-14 BB
Blind Squirrel*     $284.10 1-2-6
Craig*     $269.00 3-4-13 BB
Our Maizcay*     $263.90 1-4-14
Geoff*     $183.10 1-2-13 BB

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Lucky Seven Round 1 - Sat Apr 27

Comp Race 7 - Morphettville R8

1st - 7 Climbing Star W-$29.60 P-$7.00

2nd - 13 Learning To Fly P-$3.80

3rd - 4 Benedetta P-$2.80

Q - $147.80

TF - $2192.50

Scr: nil

Eliminated: - Blind Squirrel

Blind Squirrel shot at the death while leader Jammo plus Tassie, Gordy, Rob and Steve P all drew a blank in the last. Graeme tipped the 2nd & 3rd placegetters to finish over the top and win the day - well done fella ! Punter Pete on the runner-up slipped past Jammo to secure 2nd while Tassie held on for 4th despite a miss. 10 of the 17 survivors score points in the Championship today. Maurice takes home the Timid Terry jersey.

Graeme* $720.30
Punter Pete $687.00
Jamison* $682.00
Tassie Tiger* $601.20
Black Caviar* $541.30
Ian* $500.90
Rob* $494.10
Rex* $491.00
Steve P* $441.90
Gordy* $420.10
Craig* $401.00
Jen* $400.00
Ziggy $387.00
Maurice $366.30
Anita* $345.00
Our Maizcay* $291.90
Geoff* $259.10
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