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C J DeFilippi

Happy Sunrise

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Lots of defenders about his use of whip etc in recent times but this behaviour is unacceptable. It begs the question of what he does at home doesn't it.

He actually got off a misuse of the whip charge in this race so I suppose he is being targeted by the stipes with the misconduct charge🤣

Harness shoots itself in the foot yet again.

LADY VINCENT - driver C DeFilippi defended a breach of Rule 303(2) alleging that he misconducted himself when kicking the mare on one occasion in the abdomen prior to the start. After viewing the replays and hearing evidence from Stewards, a Starter's Assistant and Mr DeFilippi, the Adjudicative Committee found the charge proved and reserved their decision on penalty.


Mr DeFilippi was issued a $100 Minor Infringement Notice. In taking this course of action Stewards took into consideration Mr DeFilippi's recent record in relation to this Rule. Mr DeFilippi also defended a breach of Rule 869(2) and the Whip and Rein Regulations alleging that he used his whip with more than a wrist flicking motion in the run home. After viewing the replays and hearing evidence from Stewards and Mr DeFilippi the Adjudicative Committee dismissed the charge

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Kicking a horse! 

Then the very next race, we have a different driver punching a horse!

What "sport" is this? Does anyone know?

What the actual fark is wrong with some people?! Jesus.

Once again, you are on the money Happy; Harness is shooting itself in the bloody foot, time and time again. FFS. 

The looney left and the anti-racing brigade sure don't need any more amo, but here are some people just serving it up to them on a plate. 

EDDIE JAMES - driver T Chmiel defended a breach of Rule 303(2) alleging that he misconducted himself by punching the horse in the abdomen on one occasion prior to the start. After viewing the replays and hearing evidence from Stewards and Mr Chmiel the Adjudicative Committee found the charge proved and reserved their decision on penalty. Over-raced in the early stages when being restrained to obtain cover. Mr Chmiel was warned for using his whip with more than a wrist flicking motion in the run home.

And isn't this the same guy that is, or was, going to Aussie to be a stipe? 

Punching a horse in the guts?!

Great example to your kids mate. Well done. 

I hope the owners never put you on that, or any other of their horses ever again. 

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47 minutes ago, Rusty said:

What "sport" is this? Does anyone know

Not the sport I used to know.

Reminds of Gavin Smith whipping his other runner in a trial at Rangiora down the home straight to teach it... something. 

49 minutes ago, Rusty said:

What the actual fark is wrong with some people?! Jesus

Pertinent question. I always thought most want to look after their livelihood.

I know some young fellas who enjoy harness racing and punting and they are saying 'what the fuck' about this. Not once, but twice in consecutive races. 

I really do wonder what is with harness people sometimes. The game is a weakened state as it is, the small fields are the biggest sign of the struggle.

Anyone know the turnover for Methven?

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The excuse-makers are out again about this I see. Not a worry for them, they turn a blind eye to even Burrows giving a horse vodka as well. If you don't mention it, it doesn't exist theory?

With Mark Purdon venturing down the galloping route ( https://www.hrnz.co.nz/news/purdon-announces-change-of-focus-at-all-stars/ ) he mentions the challenges harness is facing, He and Natalie were very open during the Covid times about the issues facing the game and obviously, they think it hasn't improved. With these two being the most professional, the industry should be beyond worried if Mark Purdon is diversifying out of harness and looking beyond next week's meeting to years down the track for himself and his boys' future.

If people think it is defensible to kick and punch a horse on race day (with cameras and the public around no less) then there really isn't too much more to be said and I can see why a few of my friends have given up on harness. 

Hopefully, we will see similar penalties to what was dished out a few days ago to a couple in WA



FEBRUARY 10, 2023

Racing and Wagering Western Australia stewards conducted an inquiry on Thursday, 9 February 2023, in relation to the conduct of trainer Hayden Reeves and stablehand Ashleigh Reeves towards standardbred Dukes Empire at the Pinjarra Trotting Club on 20 December 2022 when it returned to the stabling area following track work.

The inquiry heard evidence from RWWA Senior Investigator Mr T Walton and RWWA Industry Veterinarian Dr C McMullen in addition to hearing submissions from Mr and Mrs Reeves and their witness, trainer Mr K Prentice.

Mr and Mrs Reeves pleaded guilty to the following charges, with the stewards determining to impose the penalties as indicated below.
When determining penalty, stewards considered, among other things:

• Their pleas of guilty and remorse for their actions
• That this was a first offence after many years of licensed involvement
• That harness racing was their livelihood
• That the degree of force when contacting Dukes Empire was not severe
• That the horse regained its feet shortly after with no evidence of injury and has since returned to racing
• Previous penalties issued to others with respect to related horse handling matters
• The potential for such conduct to bring the racing industry into disrepute
• The need to ensure the highest welfare standards with respect to horse handling, with these actions falling short.

Charges and penalties

Hayden Reeves

Rule 218A

(1) A person shall not mistreat a horse.
(2) For the purposes of this rule ‘mistreat’ means to abuse or treat a horse badly, cruelly or unfairly.

Particulars relating to charge one:
At Pinjarra Trotting Club on 20 December 2022, Mr Reeves, being a licensed trainer, did mistreat Dukes Empire by treating it badly when it returned to the stabling area after significant physical exertion in completing track work by kicking it.
Penalty: $1500 fine with $500 suspended for a period of 12 months

Particulars relating to charge two:
At Pinjarra Trotting Club on 20 December 2022, Mr Reeves, being a licensed trainer, did mistreat Dukes Empire by treating it badly when it returned to the stabling area after significant physical exertion in completing track work by lifting its foreleg four times with the horse falling to its knee and to the ground.
Penalty: $4000 fine with $1000 suspended for a period of 12 months

Ashleigh Reeves

Rule 218A

Particulars of the charge being that at Pinjarra Trotting Club on 20 December 2022, Mrs Reeves, being a licensed stablehand, did mistreat Dukes Empire by treating it badly when it returned to the stabling area after significant physical exertion in completing track work by kicking it.
Penalty: $1000 fine with $500 suspended.

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On 2/13/2023 at 10:10 PM, Happy Sunrise said:

I almost hope someone feeds it to the mainstream media

Hmmmmmmm... yes. 

Mainstream media, if they elected to run such a story, would put these individuals into a very dim light indeed. It would be embarrassing for the sport, and especially embarrassing for the persons concerned. Their families may also be impacted to some extent. 

The naming, shaming and highlighting (lowlighting?) of the punching and kicking would generate adverse publicity, and cause ramifications. God only knows where it would end once social media feeds get wind of it. 

One thing is for sure, those two guys wouldn't treat a horse in the same fashion again on a race course, at least when there are tv cameras in operation anyway. 

I have worked with stubborn bloody racehorses and various livestock over the years. Quite often frustration levels can be raised to boiling point. Especially when working to tight deadlines. Sometimes you win the battle. Sometimes you don't. The real test of one's character, is how it is addressed and dealt with, at the time. 

It's simple really. One can choose to accept that type of behaviour being dished out to an animal, or they don't. 

I wonder what the fall out would have been if these sort of events played out in Singapore, and not Methven on Sunday. 

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19 hours ago, Rusty said:

I have worked with stubborn bloody racehorses and various livestock over the years. Quite often frustration levels can be raised to boiling point. Especially when working to tight deadlines. Sometimes you win the battle. Sometimes you don't.

For sure, there is no doubt about how hard working with horses is but how tone-deaf is a driver to do it on race day with the public, cameras, stipes present, and attendants holding the horse?

I thought harness racing would be trying to restore its image for a bit of respectability after recent events but it is seemingly ok to kick or punch a horse on race day. I think it reflects much more on the person and their actions than the horse but I don't care anymore as this industry just can't help itself.

While the Adjudicative Committee accepts that no harm was done to the horse, such actions being shown on nationwide television coverage (an aggravating factor) do raise obvious animal welfare concerns and, therefore, cannot be condoned, but rather must be viewed seriously. Fortunately, such incidents are rare. At the same time, the Adjudicative Committee accepts that the case also involves Driver safety issues.


Having regard to the Penalty Guide and the penalties in the previous cases referred to, the Respondent Driver, Colin DeFilippi, is fined $400.


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