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Everything posted by Godzstar1

  1. sorry just realised three BBs take out sydney mistake thanks P.J!
  2. Good morning All ! Just running a tad late BUT no worries looks like a good day for ruffies today over the ditch!?? and we have an ecclectic bunch of selectors called The WILD Bunch who we shall hold to the minimum total!? CANWEDOOSIT!? that is the question But we the Mighty Animal Kingdom brood shall overcome! r1=- 5x6 r2=- 1x7 r3=- 13x14 r4=- 6x9 r5=- 5x12 r6=- 5x9 BB r7=- 6x10 r8=- 8x11 BB r9=- 5x7 10=- 1x13 BB Thanks P.J! a small smidgeon of luck to you Roland BUT Todays my day so Letz go get 'em team!
  3. Mornin'.all and Teamies! okay today looks a tad tuffer today than last week!? BUT are we up to the Challenge -That is the $64 mill question.?? WECANDOOSIT! Look on the Bright side of Life!?? WE are a happy bunch of marsupials!! and very wary of little packs of unsuspecting DYNAMITE packages planted in our stomping grounds! R1=-1x3 R2=-2x8 R3=-6x7 R4=-3x9 R5=-4x10 -BB R6=-1x8 R7=-2x7 R8=-6x12 R9=-13x15 R10=-2x13 -BB Thanks P.J .ok a little luck to you Rocky Way but please lose your backpack of TNT i'd like a smooth run to victory this week C'mon guys WECANDOOTHIS!!
  4. Good morning all!! and P.J! These are GEE'she text me these .he gone on mercy dash to Port Jackson Coromandel R1-3x8-BB R2-7x8 R3-7x11 R4-3x8 R5-8x11 R6-3x9-BB R7-4x12 R8-1x9 R9-8x12 R10-7x16 thanks P.J!
  5. Gee's LRRC seems to be working well so far!!😂
  6. Bowls????, how can yah play bowls and fly Zero,s at the same time. Maybe the Imperial airforce has a cunning plan. He informed me he has LLRC! (Long Range Remote Control!!)??battery well charged!!
  7. Morning All and fellow Animal teamies..Time to don our 'invisibility cloaks (courtesy of Hogwarts!!) and fly UNDER THE RADAR's probing eye! CANWEDOOSIT!!?..CAUSWECAN because we are 'THE MIGHTY Animals Ruler of the Jungle! R1-5x6 R2 -3x9 R3 -1x3 R4 -1x5 R5 -2x4 BB R6 -1x2 R7 -4x5 R8 -11x12 R9 -4x8 10 -6x15 BB Thanks P.J! LETZGO Animals WEGOTTHIS! Aliitle luck Pete BUT i scramble your Radar pings! cheers!
  8. Morning P.J!! These are GEE's selection for 'THE WILD BUNCH! as he in bowls tournament all day so txt these through mobile!?? R1 5x7 R2 7x9 R3 5x9 R4 3x8 R5 8x9 BB R6 6x7 R7 1x2 BB R8 4x13 R9 2x9 R10 1x2 -thanks!
  9. If Max dont post P.J Heather seems to have one of same in last 4 oz races same as Rees so make it r10 as per her selections for BB ! Thanks! Rob..
  10. Morning All and fellow Animals!?? CANWEDOOSIT today knock these LA LA Bodegas out of our enclosure and run amok as they try to corral us..!? CAUSEWECAN ..WE are the mighty Animals of this Kingdom and will not be intimidated/coerced by an unruly bunch of cohorts who dont know if theycoming or going re their name with Capitals or lowercase signature!?? WEGOTHIS for our illustrious Kapitaine Max!! R1- 4x8 R2- 3x9 R3 -8x13 R4-10x11 BB R5-1x16 R6-5x7 R7-1x2 R8-4x13 R9-6x11 10-4x16 -BB -Thanks P.J!! Alittle luck to you Paulie but don't worry WEGOTHIS !!??
  11. Enquiry into Sydney race 3 ...maybe HOLD all tickets!!??🤣
  12. Running late internet problems!! R1 - 4x6 R2 - 3x7 R3 - 1x6 R4 - 1x9-BB R5 - 3x6 R6 - 3x8 R7 - 3x8 R8 - 1x11 R9 - 3x8 10 - 5x15-BB Thanks P.J! and scorers '
  13. Morning All and illustrious teammates! Ready to enter another Glorious P.J Spring concoction/err Competitive Comp! The question is CANWEDOOSIT!? Knock our Competitors off their High Lofty Perch and crush their egos to boot!? CAUSWECAN! we are the 'Rulers of 'the ANIMALKINGDOM!? Too Fasts will stampede out of the gates try to lead, but tire quickly once the pressure goes on as the mighty ANIMALKINGDOM brigade swamps them at the finish BECAUSE WECAN AND WILL prevail! OK that's the inspiring team talk over its now up to you teamies to do the Damage to tooSlows!! r1=-3x4 r2=-8x10 r3=-3x12 r4=-1x8 r5=-2x14 BB r6=-1x7 r7=-9x13 r8=-4x5 r9=-4x9 10=-3x12 BB Obvious omen ….by AK!! Thanks P.J. A small smidgeon of luck StevieP but you guys take a rest .! WEGOTHISONE..!!??
  14. CAUSWECAN we are the KOOLEST KATS of this Winter Comp! WEWILLDOOSIT for our illustrious Kapitaine Max! Well Done teammates! We showed ''em all WEWERE THE BEST IN WINTER MUD!!? Thanks P.J, for another enthralling Comp.. Roll on the 'SPRING encounters!!
  15. Mornin all and Teammates!! The BIG Day has come and CANWEOVERCOME !!? Betty Beauts on the Ropes!? CANWEDOOSIT!? Win once more on a treacherous track here and over the ditch!? CAUSWECAN we are the KOOLEST KATS of this Winter Comp! WEWILLDOOSIT for our illustrious Kapitaine Max! R1- 9x11 R2- 8x12 R3- 1x5 R4- 2x6R5- 1x4R6- 7x8-BBR7- 6x8 R8- 4x7 R9- 2x12 10- 8x9 -BB -Thanks Pj!! Good luck Damion but just a tad!? WEGOTTHIS lets Go Get ém KATS!!
  16. Mornin all Happy to be in Draft !! 1st pick or last ...Makes no difference!! Thanks!
  17. Mornin teams! Looks an interesting intriguing DAY here in NZ and over in Aus on the "saucer aka The Valley!" CANWEDOOZIT!!?? The tuffest of the Tuff with the sternest intestinal Fortitude shall prevail! LETZ GO GET 'EM Katz!!?? and keep those "Dreamers still weaving a losing streak!! r1=-7x10 r2=-5x7 r3=-2x8 r4=-11x16 r5=-4x6 r6=-7x9-BB r7=-1x2 r8=-3x4 r9=-9x13 10=-7x15 -BB -Many thanks P.J and John! a little luck to you sir G but not enuff to beat moi! WE GOTTHIS IKatz!!
  18. Mornin' All Looks to be an interest/tain/hopeful/Day for us all!!?? in nz and oz!! Well Kapitaine CANWEDOOSIT!? That is the question!?? Can we disrupt our opponents today by outpicking/selecting and disrupt their play and scatter them Marbles higgledly piggedly and make them go lookin for those LOST Marbles!?? WECANDOOSIT ! AND will WEARE THE KOOLKATS!! c'mon team! r1=- 2x9 r2=- 1x5 r3=- 5x11 r4=- 1x8 r5=- 6x9 -BB r6=- 4x8 r7=- 7x11 r8=- 9x13 r9=- 3x7 10=- 2x6 -BB -Thanks P.J! Alittle luck to you Mr GEE BUT could you please have one of those off days and not a scintillating fluke day of outstanding ruffies!! WENEEDTHIS KATS!!
  19. Mornin' All Looks another tough day at 'the office and over "The Ditch! CANWEDOOSIT!!? once more for our illustrious Kapitaine Max!? CAUSEWECAN!! we are THE KOOL Katz and even if our opponents look Formidable we shall overcome such obstacles in our path! Welcome Ceilidh to our brood and MAYOUDOWELL! in your first foray in your Dad's Super Comp!! Letz DO it to them give 'em a Lashing!! 1=1x5 2=2x7 3=1x5 4=1x3 5=2x7 -BB 6=7x14 7=10x11 8=5x7 9=5x10 10=7x14 -BB -Thanks!! Letz go team "give em Hell!! -WEGOTTHIS!!
  20. Hi all this may be a bit rushed ...Could you please check for any scratchings as I wont be near computer as have very sick friend in hospital just transferred into a rest care Home as just been diagnosed with cancer and at moment on morphine and oxgen also has fluid on lung .she not well ! I know WECANDOOSIT !! The Kool Kats can and will overcome all Difficulty especially on Diabolical Trentham aka Punter's Grave Yard!! r1=- 1x7 r2=- 2x7 r3=- 4x6 r4=- 1x6 r4=- 2x3 -BB r6=- 10x11 r7=- 4x14 r8=- 2x10 r9=- 8x14 10=- 11x15 BB -Thanks P.J! a littleluck to you Skelly But by look of your aggregate you don't need it so .C'mon Katz ..LETZDOTHIS! thrash ém!!
  21. For the 'Koolest Katz!! CANWEDOOSIT!?? CAUSWECAN!! we are 'the best! BUT I not on good form lately just a battlin'! Todays the Day I shine on a miserable track and day!! r1=-1x9 r2=- 3x5 r3=-1x9 r4=- 2x3 r5=- 3x8 -BB r6=- 3x9 r7=- 9x11 r8=- 1x2 r9=- 9x12 10=- 2x9 -BB Thanks P.J!! a little luck to you Stevie BUT as your namesake says ..Just Nick Orf ..leave me alone!!?? Letz Do it Katz for our Kapitaine!! 😉
  22. Morning Team !! CANWEDOOSIT!?? Topple Betty's Boots and Keep 'OUR Kool!?? CAUSWECAN!! was just a slight Hiccup last week !! r1=- 1x8 r2=- 3x6 r3=- 2x6 r4=- 5x16 r5=- 5x6 r6=- 9x14 -BB r7=- 3x13 r8=- 14x16 r9=- 4x10 10=- 3x16 BB -Thanks P.J! Let's go team .WEGOTTHIS!!
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