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The Race Place

Legend(translation) for Autumn Super Draft Comp names


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Blind Squirrel

Craig Craigos1

Gary Gazzac

Gee Zabeel

Georgy Boy


Graeme Brown Fox

Heather Pegs Pride

Hesi Alan

Ian VC!

Jack Taniwha99


Jen Jenlove

Jill   Flowin With The Breez

Maurice Moz1047

Midnight C Midnight Caller

Moose Mooseman

Pam Picadilly


Punter Pete Ye Old Pete

Rex Sir Gallivant

Rob Godzstar1

Robert Double R

Rocky Rocky Way


Steve P Steve Paul

The Crucible TC

Tom Turny

Virgil VvD

Zac One Perfect Day

Ziggy Zig


Sir Castleton Roland

Too Fast Howie

Say No More John

Stevie Nicks Off Steve

PWJ PJ/Peter

Ray Rayzor

Maximus Maxi

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