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The Race Place

$400 million


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A rebranding exercise to take Countdown back to Woolworths.

Nothing more than a corporate rebranding exercise, and illustrative of how much the supermarkets are creaming it on the back of 'inflation', when many kiwis are struggling with their budgets, these bastards are taking the opportunity to maximise profits

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They can do as many reports on this as they like.  My experience is, and I have done the supermarket shopping for over 20 years around here, and unlike many today, have great mental arithmetic skills.  Prices on many items have gone up well in excess of the CPI index over the last 2.5 years.  Potatoes have almost doubled in price, bearing in mind there are other factors involved there.  Surprisingly items like bread and milk have been pretty good, but many other items have gone up 40-50%, breakfast cereals for example.

Only way around it is, don't buy, or buy only on special, then the bastards will get the message about price gouging.  They will quickly think about their pricing, if volumes go down

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You have to be careful around fresh goods like vegetables, as there are other legitimate factors such as the weather, but I'm sure the bastards would use every opportunity to maximise their profit via pricing.  Capitalism at work lol

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I guess we should be thankful, the new Supermarket Commissioner is onto it ... issues his report in October 24.

If he fails with this little earner, next stop he can be a Judge and deal with the Ram Raiders.

FFS, what the hell us going on

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