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The Race Place

von Smallhaussen

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Everything posted by von Smallhaussen

  1. well that lived up to all the hype - well done Maria and also to the Ferdies. Good totals for both teams. Mrs vS waves back Maria 🖐️
  2. something is going on as I could not see my selections on the selection thread earlier.
  3. saw this live in Taradale 2019 - they were brilliant!
  4. and all the way from dancing Show's home town
  5. we vill do the information extraction Herr Steve Paul
  6. simple answer maybe - have a results thread from PJ and another thread called 'taking the peace' for those that want 'banter' maybe not everyone wants to read the banter and maybe some don't want to read the results thread (like those Kats last week 😁)
  7. Don't bring me into this - I have had nothing to do with this conversation. Besides the only time I was there an hour early was when I was at college and the girl across the road invited me over because her parents were going out 😆
  8. 1988 and 1989 when both were still stakes races and worth $50k and $40 then, Laceration trained by Mrs vS.
  9. Thanks for the match Sharne - from 1 dual Parliamentary winner to another 😉
  10. Keep that blue dress on Maria and boogey on to Uriah Heaps - 'stealin' Take me across the water, cause I need some place to hide someone here is going to be sitting in watching 😉
  11. R1 - 8 & 9 R2 - 5 & 8 R3 - 8 & 9 R4 - 2 & 6 BB R5 - 4 & 5 R6 - 2 & 3 R7 - 10 & 12 R8 - 3 & 12 R9 - 1 & 12 BB R10 - 2 & 6
  12. as this is a regional comp as pointed out by a nice person much earlier - it is now obvious that we should be called the Steelers ( Counties Manukau)
  13. Well we couldn't take the name that Hesi proposed - Alexandra Park ....tahs because it is offensive, and rightly so (he should not of used the words Alexandra Park on a TB forum 😊) Name won't change the results either and I cannot be captain as will be posting mostly on a Friday night and will rely on team to replace any scratchings as out most of Saturdays.
  14. Max just lit up my eyes with an idea - but I then remembered that Mrs vS is watertight and the only coin she would have is a sixpence 🥰
  15. Herr Gluteus I wholeheartedly agree
  16. Karaka sales are looming and I would say the thrust of the appeal is Ellis getting his name and that of Te Akau in the headlines. Any advertising is good advertising as the saying goes..
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