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The Race Place

brown fox

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Everything posted by brown fox

  1. R1-5X9 R2-6X7 R3-2X3 R4-7X14 R5-3X7BB R6-2X4 R7-1X17 R8-5X6 R9-1X7 R10-5X16BB Thanks and beware swooping Seagulls
  2. Did their reply get lost in the mail?
  3. As far as I'm concerned the chances of more than 50% of horses in any given race is down to where it lands in the running.
  4. Can anyone name those jockeys in the photo?
  5. L.B. If you are looking for a claiming Apprentice to follow in N.Z. you might try Ace Lawson -Carrol.Getting into the money on a regular basis and I should know as the little basket did me out of a couple of collects last week😣
  6. I'm carrying 5kg more than 10 years ago.Definitely slowing me down😏
  7. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?pli=1#inbox/FMfcgzGxSHpnxRFDNrwtkwgHwJkTvgrL
  8. R1-3X5 R2-5X7 R3-10X11 R4-6X7 R5-4X13 R6-1X2BB R7-1X4 R8-1X9 R9-1X11BB R10-2X5 Look out Jameson I'm actually a dog masquerading as a fox.WOOF WOFF!
  9. Thanks Mardy.It was mainly around their fees being re -routed back into the Industry that I was thinking about.
  10. Sorry if this seems a dumb question but what are the pros and cons of bookmakers to the Australian TAB?
  11. Bob Jones is back to provide a little sanity https://nopunchespulled.com/2024/03/14/elections-azerbaijan-style/
  12. Eric Carmen from The Raspberries and more.
  13. No results up.Cancelled?
  14. I'm glad I don't keep seeing what I did😚
  15. Just realized this was on tomorrow.Seems to have snuck up with no fanfair from Cafers or Tab.
  16. Lucky you.Us old buggas get up 3 or 4 times.
  17. Kuggerline trying to silence some doubters😁
  18. Straight after I made that comment we started losing wickets.Best I just shutup🙈
  19. A place in every race so far.Should be taking a place6😏
  20. Flat pitch?If the Aussies can't bowl us out what chance our bowlers?
  21. R1-3X4 R2-2X7BB R3-1X2 R4-3X4 R5-1X2 R6-3X5 R7-3X13 R8-1X2 R9-3X4 R10-2X3BB Thanks
  22. R1-4X5 R2-7X11 R3-1X2BB R4-3X10 R5-4X9 R6-3X7 R7-2X6BB R8-1X3 R9-3X18 R10-5X6 R11-4X5 Thanks P.J. and good luck Zig.
  23. Odds are the Aussies will only have to bat once😏
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