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The Race Place

Annual Report


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This is not pretty reading for NZ racing. Net revenue on NZ racing and sports betting down $13m, off a new betting platform I'm sure they stated was going to deliver massive results for them. It has actually reduced the margin across the turnover.

Haven't digested it all yet, but reserves must have taken a hammering and it's interesting how they seem to be able to write things as if they are all wonderful irrespective of what has just been presented.

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Nett betting revenue(NBR) is $69.5 mil down on the budgeted figure !!

NBR 17/18 vs 18/19 down $14 mil(which pretty much reflects the increase in nett profit loss), costs down about 0.9% or 2 mil, distributions to racing about the same, in the case of thoroughbred up 700,000 from 80 mil to 80.7 mil.


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It's not pretty alright, considering the balance sheet is supported by this which is mostly a pipedream.

Non current assets have increased from last year by $18.5 million
(26.8%) due to the significant investment in property, plant and
equipment (PP&E)
and intangible assets ($19.7 million) relating to the
strategic initiatives and other projects ($36.9 million).

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