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Everything posted by pete

  1. Why should anyone have to come on here and prove they're successful? Will you?
  2. Formidable opponents. I got my arse kicked by Sharne last week.
  3. I'm a part owner so the question is irrelevant. I just wondered if you valued the right to post here.
  4. Do you enjoy posting on this site?
  5. After some consideration I've reopened this. I'm sure it will get some further interest after tomorrow's racing. However to ALL participants can we please keep it respectful and reasonably light hearted. Just because someone doesn't agree with you it doesn't make them an intellectually challenged imbecile.
  6. I just ran the joke past Barb and got THAT look.
  7. Clearly no offence intended 😄
  8. Good on ya mate. Keep your sense of humour and you'll be fine. If everyone agreed with everyone else on here it'd be pretty boring. At least people are talking about things. Some of us (including me) get a bit passionate about what we believe in but I'd hope all concerned respect everyone's rights to have an opinion.
  9. I'd echo that. Horrible time for you LB so keep your chin up and keep posting.
  10. And, as Ian pointed out, if she gets beaten it will be the barrier draw.
  11. There's no 'strikes' here Ray. I just strongly object to people flipping the Holocaust around in discussions. For reasons I'm not going into. Very few people get banned from here and we certainly won't be showing anyone involved in this discussion the door. Hope that clears this up.
  12. Are you 100% certain these horses wouldn't win with more weight and a senior rider on board? How can you possibly know this? More confirmation bias.
  13. Pure conjecture there. That's ok. You're allowed your opinion. I'll respectfully disagree.
  14. BR is probably too busy to have read that post.
  15. Any proof of this mate or is it actually just your opinion?
  16. Did you actually read this from the article I posted? "You shouldn’t focus too much on the benefits of an apprentice’s claim unless you are also penalising the jockey for inexperience. You can’t have it both ways – they get an allowance for a reason, so don’t over-estimate the weight relief provided by a claiming apprentice. As a group they basically achieve the same betting returns as senior jockeys"
  17. Plus this. Mentioning the Holocaust is way over the top so just stop this now.
  18. This, for example, is totally unnecessary.
  19. Guys i realise this is quite a touchy subject but can we leave the personal stuff out please? A simple observation of mine would be that telling someone they're an idiot because they don't agree with you is better when it's backed up with some factual evidence.
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