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Upcoming announcements by RITA


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20 minutes ago, Hesi said:

that a request for funding had been received from RITA, and this had been passed through to the FInance Minister

Despicable behaviour. On what basis should they be deserving of even more special treatment? They get given a licence to print money, and that's not enough due to their own incompetence.

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26 minutes ago, mardigras said:

Despicable behaviour. On what basis should they be deserving of even more special treatment? They get given a licence to print money, and that's not enough due to their own incompetence.

None, but if they do not get funding then the industry is in danger of imploding, through the inability to set 20/21 funding at levels that are acceptable to the industry.  As Barry mentioned, at $7,500 maidens, many will chuck it in

If you read that letter of expectation, clearly the Govt is committed to racing continuing.

If funding comes, then it will come with what you might expect of the Govt putting in statutory management or equivalent.

As I mentioned before, this is all going to be fudged, using Covid as a smokescreen


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Just now, Hesi said:

None, but if they do not get funding then the industry is in danger of imploding, through the inability to set 20/21 funding.

Which is fine. Stop the industry short term. Work out a recovery plan. if there isn't a viable recovery plan, cease the industry long term.

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I think the racing industry in NZ is viable long term, just huge changes are required to make that happen, you have mentioned some of them.

Based on the ministerial expectations, RITA, must be given a huge FAIL, just a continuation of what has happened in the past.

It just seems to take so long to get anything done

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1 hour ago, Hesi said:

I think it was on TV3 late news, Winston Peters, saying or being reported as saying, that a request for funding had been received from RITA, and this had been passed through to the FInance Minister

That seems a bit odd given he was reported earlier in the day as saying he hadn't heard from RITA. Unless RITA only just made the request yesterday. In the current environment and demands on funding and the amounts the government already provide racing, I'd say any approval of such a request is likely to be met with a widespread uproar, especially from other sectors and taxpayers and animal rights activists.

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5 minutes ago, curious said:

That seems a bit odd given he was reported earlier in the day as saying he hadn't heard from RITA. Unless RITA only just made the request yesterday. In the current environment and demands on funding and the amounts the government already provide racing, I'd say any approval of such a request is likely to be met with a widespread uproar, especially from other sectors and taxpayers and animal rights activists.

It was definitely the late news session and pretty sure it was TV3, perhaps someone can find it, I almost posted about it last night

They will use Covid(no racing for 3 months) to smokescreen it.

The tone of the ministerial expectation letter, does suggest that they are committed to racing

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36 minutes ago, Hesi said:

Based on the ministerial expectations, RITA, must be given a huge FAIL, just a continuation of what has happened in the past.

I'm giving them an E on this assessment.

Poor presentation. Disorganised and incoherent.

No evidence provided for your thesis.

No robust critical analysis.

No adequate conclusion.

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4 hours ago, Hesi said:

I think it was on TV3 late news, Winston Peters, saying or being reported as saying, that a request for funding had been received from RITA, and this had been passed through to the FInance Minister

The racing industry is set to find out on May 14 whether it will receive a bailout to soften the effect of Covid-19.

The Trainers’ Association has advised members to delay a return to work until they have a clear understanding of the industry’s financial position

“We set about ensuring we had a package to carry over industry in this case racing, through to a resumption in racing and a resumption of profits. That package was a very early package that went to the Minister of Finance but details I can’t give you.” (Winston Peters)

Finance Minister Grant Robertson told Newshub the package was being considered as part of the budget process. It’s unclear whether financial support would go directly to stakes or to the TAB whose profits fund prizemoney for racing.



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30 April 2020

Dear Racing Participants,

NZTR can now provide clarity regarding funding for industry participants when racing resumes on 3 July.

With the assistance of working groups of trainers and clubs, NZTR has developed a return to racing plan which includes a flat stakes level of $15,000 for all races at 13 meetings during July.

In addition, the following initiatives will also be introduced with the focus on reducing costs and spreading returns for owners:

·         To ensure a wider distribution of stakes to more owners, payments will be made back to 14th

·         No nomination/acceptance fees for those horses which start

·         Meetings scheduled to be held closer to the horse population

Race programming during July only will allow for open nominations to ensure those horses wanting to race are able to gain a start.  More detail regarding the racing policy can be found here

We understand that this is a different approach. But NZTR recognised this as an opportunity to provide some innovation and flexibility around the payment of stakes to owners, trainers and jockeys during July. 

Confirmation of RITA’s transitional funding to the codes follows discussions with codes, and industry consultation on a draft racing calendar for a resumption of racing. The distribution from RITA reflects the reduced racing over the period and the phased return to racing for each code.

NZTR and the other codes are also working with RITA on funding and race dates for the 2020/21 season and further updates on these important issues will be provided as it comes to hand.

This has been a testing time for all our participants, and NZTR thanks you for your patience while we have worked through this process for the resumption of racing in July. It was pleasing to see our horses back at the training track under alert level 3 this week and we appreciate the work of those at the coalface who are implementing the protocols at training tracks and race clubs across the country.

We will continue to keep you informed through regular communication on our website and weekly updates from the CEO via our social channels.

Yours in racing,



Dr Alan Jackson


Bernard Saundry
Chief Executive

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I think that if they are to resume, then that is about as good as one could expect. I had mentioned to Freda I thought stakes of $10k minimum to a maximum of $20-25k could work for the resumption, depending on funds. I'd be hoping they have more than this to allow for remedial work etc, and not making the mistake of putting everything to stakes.. So I think the level of $15k per race is at least reasonable from the information available.

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6 minutes ago, mardigras said:

I think that if they are to resume, then that is about as good as one could expect. I had mentioned to Freda I thought stakes of $10k minimum to a maximum of $20-25k could work for the resumption, depending on funds. I'd be hoping they have more than this to allow for remedial work etc, and not making the mistake of putting everything to stakes.. So I think the level of $15k per race is at least reasonable from the information available.



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Pike positive about news that all gallops races in July will carry a $15,000 stake

Barry Lichter

By Barry Lichter • 30 April 2020

“It could have been a lot worse.”

That was the feeling of New Zealand Trainers’ Association president Tony Pike on learning the news today that all gallops races run until the end of the season will carry a stake of $15,000.

The stakes plan for 13 meetings in July will also feature payments back to 14th place to ensure a wider distribution of stakes to more owners.

New Zealand Thorougbred Racing has confirmed no nomination or acceptance fees will be paid.

Race programming will see open nominations to ensure those horses wanting to race are able to gain a start.

Pike said while it was not ideal for open class horses and maidens to be racing for the same prizemoney, it was a very good start to get the industry up and running.

“It’s unfortunate if you’ve got a high class open galloper, but during July, in the middle of winter the majority of horses racing will be maidens and rating 65 horses.

“At least this gives more people some sort of decent return.”

Pike said he sees the stakes recipe as only a short term fix.

Tony Pike … $15,000 stake a positive step in the short term.Tony Pike … $15,000 stake a positive step in the short term.“You wouldn’t want to see flat stakes for the while of next season but this will get horses out there. At one stage there we were talking a $10,000 minimum so it’s not disastrous at all. I see $15,000 as a positive.”

Pike said the general feeling he got from today’s conference call with RITA was that, like all other businesses, it was “looking very hard at its own cost base, plus the Racing Integrity Unit and Judicial Control Authority.

“It was nice to at last have open dealings with RITA, that’s all we’ve been asking for.

“And if we can come out the other side of COVID-19 a leaner, meaner machine, once turnover gets back up we could be travelling a lot better.”

NZTR chairman Dr Alan Jackson recognised the $15,000 flat stake was a different approach.

“But NZTR recognises this as an opportunity to provide some innovation and flexibility around the payment of stakes to owners, trainers and jockeys during July.”

Confirmation of RITA’s transitional funding to the codes follows discussions with codes, and industry consultation on a draft racing calendar. The distribution from RITA reflects the reduced racing over the period and the phased return to racing for each code.

NZTR and the other codes are also working with RITA on funding and race dates for the 2020/21 season.

Deatils of programming:

• All races will be special conditions open entry races.

• NZTR will advertise only the distances of the races programmed to be run at a meeting.

• Races will be open for two-year-olds to provide them with opportunities to race.

• The objective is to provide opportunities for all horses and maximise field sizes, which will vary depending on track layouts and rail placements. Final field selection will be made at withdrawal time, when NZTR will finalise the actual races to be run at a meeting based on the number of entries remaining after withdrawals.

• NZTR may run specific age group races if numbers permit. For example, if there are 11 two-year-olds out of 24 horses nominated for a 1200m race, two 1200m races could be run – one for 2YOs only (at SW and P conditions) with the other 13 horses making up the second race. Flexibility will be the key.

• Specific races for three-year-olds only will be considered for programming for post-July racing. However, if numbers permit post-withdrawals, then a race over a specific distance could be run for three-year-olds only.

• Highweight races (for jumpers and highweight riders only) will be run over distances of 1600m or more in the North Island only. These races will be advertised separately as highweights.

• There will be no amateur riders’ race series this year, with the probable exception of the Duke of Gloucester Cup which may be run at Wanganui in November.

* An announcement on stakes from Harness Racing New Zealand is imminent and is expected to reveal a $7000 minimum.

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2 minutes ago, Ashoka said:

Just a quibble...

.No nomination/acceptance fees for those horses which start

New Zealand Thorougbred Racing has confirmed no nomination or acceptance fees will be paid.

The above two sentences do not necessarily mean the same thing.

True. So if you accept and scratch because the track is not acceptable you pay? Or not?

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Each horse that has previously raced or trialled will only be permitted one trial/jumpout prior to commencing or resuming racing.The only exceptions to this rule will be where the RIU requests a horse to trial before racing again, or the horse is a 2YO, or the horse is unraced and untrialled. A jumpout means for these purposes a heat at an event for which entries are received and fieldsare announced or published.


So we need to run jumpouts without publishing or announcing fields? Just put the gates out and let horses line up as they are ready? Punters will love that.

I'm curious under what rule of racing they can insist on that.

Edited by curious
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Interpretation and Application of these Special Conditions

If: a) a question arises as to the interpretation or application of these Special Conditions; or

b) a circumstance arises that is not expressly covered by these Special Conditions or the Standard Regulations for Racemeeting Programmes (as amended by these Special Conditions); or

c) there is a conflict between these Special Conditions and the Standard Regulations for Racemeeting Programmes,

that question, circumstance or conflict will be determined by NZTR, whose decision will be final.

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I don't think they can change the Rules of Racing without that being approved and gazetted.

30 Amendment of racing rules


A racing code must, before amending its racing rules, receive written approval from the Agency for the proposed amendment.


A racing code to which sections 37 to 41 and Schedule 3 apply must also consult with the Judicial Control Authority before amending its racing rules.


As soon as practicable after amending its racing rules, a racing code must send a copy of the amended rules to the Agency and, in the case of a racing code to which sections 37 to 41 and Schedule 3 apply, to the Judicial Control Authority.

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So I think 15k is quite good for all races for 13 meetings in July. Better than what I said (10k other than open handicaps 15k).

I presume August depends on Government intervention?

Is what occurred today enough to keep most Owners ,Trainers happy?

I'm a bit (can't find the right word)....................about major handouts to racing when Treasury announced today ........predictions of unemployment by December could be 100k!

It's weird as much as I love Racing I don't think it is more important than any other working enterprise.


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