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Will Racing Die


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Interesting topic, business viability vs not.

Got me looking around at trainers generally,  and, wondering what we collectively could term as assets.    Apart from equipment/vehicles, most trainers are operating from leased premises, so no asset there.  The saddlery etc, while 'assets' wouldn't be likely to realise much in cold cash unless in very large amounts.   A few trainers may run horse floats, some have spelling farms, but most don't...so, the training asset would have to be an intangible one of expertise, reputation, goodwill...yes?  or have I got that wrong.

As for the horses - clients' horses.  Surely an asset would have some guaranteed component, such as winning percentages/training fees.  But these are conditional upon said horse winning stakemoney [  no certainty ]  and its owner paying fees...which is also not guaranteed.  So, your flash 3 yo, which has had an injury, can't win any money, and whose owner says fuck that, I'm not paying any more, ceases to be an asset and becomes a bloody liability.

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Your value is you Freda, the knowledge you have and the contacts you have.

I thought quite a few trainers have other sources of income, utilising that knowledge and those contacts.  Trading horses for instance.  Could be wrong so go easy on me.

I got made redundant many years ago, and i promised myself, that never again would I rely on just one source of income, so now I have 4 different ones.  

Good business advice as well, don't put all your eggs in one basket

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35 minutes ago, Hesi said:

Your value is you Freda, the knowledge you have and the contacts you have.

I thought quite a few trainers have other sources of income, utilising that knowledge and those contacts.  Trading horses for instance.  Could be wrong so go easy on me.

I got made redundant many years ago, and i promised myself, that never again would I rely on just one source of income, so now I have 4 different ones.  

Good business advice as well, don't put all your eggs in one basket

Yes,  good advice indeed.

But, having other sources of income - which many do, as you say,  trading, breaking-in, milking cows, etc - is a bit like NZ thoroughbred racing needing income from other sources to remain afloat.

The core business, as far as I can see, doesn't work very profitably UNLESS good stakemoney is won or a nice horse is sold.

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20 minutes ago, Midnight Caller said:

Is it just me?But has the NZTA only just realised that the water is up to their knees and someone has left the bungs out at the boat ramp a while ago!🚣‍♂️🦈

And they're a few 100ms out to sea and have to go back to get them?

Edited by curious
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The boat can be saved(and all who sail on her).Captain  calls on the crew(bail you f...ers)to sight land.Caption goes for home(water never enters a speeding boat ),puts boat on trailer to drain and thinks that this would be a good time to dry out,strip it all back,cut out all the dead wood and start from scratch!

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2 hours ago, Midnight Caller said:

Is it just me?But has the NZTA only just realised that the water is up to their knees and someone has left the bungs out at the boat ramp a while ago!🚣‍♂️🦈

That actually happened to me once, fortunately we were only 20-30m from shore so could get the boat back to the ramp and pull it out.

To continue the analogy MC, yes you could go to full revs to try and get the boat up planing to allow the water to drain, but only if too much water(dead weight) has not entered.  In Racing's case the dead weight has reached such a level, that is not now possible and will sink

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On 5/3/2020 at 11:54 AM, Hesi said:

That actually happened to me once, fortunately we were only 20-30m from shore so could get the boat back to the ramp and pull it out.

To continue the analogy MC, yes you could go to full revs to try and get the boat up planing to allow the water to drain, but only if too much water(dead weight) has not entered.  In Racing's case the dead weight has reached such a level, that is not now possible and will sink

😄Also happened to me once many years ago!Cruised the length of Tairua harbour before the old man realised he was stern heavy and observed the bungs still sitting  in the the well of the Hartley!😳(great fishing boat)He may have blamed it on us kids,but  I believe it was possibly his visit to the Sir George  Grey the night before.

Going back to the NZTA discussion,why has it just taken this current situation for them to voice their opinions ?Why haven't they stepped  in or help implement the new racing calendar? Look at the South  Islands  deep south shambles.


Edited by Midnight Caller
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On 5/4/2020 at 8:33 PM, Midnight Caller said:

😄Also happened to me once many years ago!Cruised the length of Tairua harbour before the old man realised he was stern heavy and observed the bungs still sitting  in the the well of the Hartley!😳(great fishing boat)He may have blamed it on us kids,but  I believe it was possibly his visit to the Sir George  Grey the night before.

Going back to the NZTA discussion,why has it just taken this current situation for them to voice their opinions ?Why haven't they stepped  in or help implement the new racing calendar? Look at the South  Islands  deep south shambles.


Pike and co. have been invisible, pretty much, until now.   When the N.I elite have their interests threatened,  finally,  managed some action.  But, apart from that,  the opinion that small clubs should offload their tracks for the greater good has been the only contribution that I am aware of.

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5 minutes ago, Hesi said:

That's the way isn't it

The bigger players only upped the ante when they were affected, otherwise they were all too busy making money.

Te Akau and NZBA have been quiet

It's what you get when you involve people who can't put their own interests to the side. Sadly, there are just so many that are incapable of doing this - in a business, these are the deadwood you want to cull. And doing so, helps reduce political manoeuvring.

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Gary Chittick seems to have been 'diplomatically' scathing

GARRY’S CORNER – 20.3.20

20 March 2020

Garry's Corner


What I am not is, a political commentator, Doctor of anything, but when contemplating a Corner it is not possible to avoid ours and the world’s current challenges. Amazing how the world can be tipped upside down in such a short time.

Let’s just focus on the thoroughbred industry, the valiant efforts of our administrators to maintain a racing program. Yes, we can’t attend, it must be difficult for those putting on the event not just the lack of atmosphere but the technical details to run a race meeting. Then we have the upcoming Easter Sale, I wish them all the best but will not be there. Not because I don’t want to but closed borders are just that, closed.

Off course turnover will be vital, however, doom and gloom become self-perpetuating. I dread to think how the NZ wagering is holding up, my information was the targeted budget was unattainable prior to this crisis, the cynic in me says Covid-19 may save a number of reputations.

Like the virus, I also have decided not to dissect once again the performance of the interim board, there is no point their approach of having exclusive rights to all knowledge will be tested when the final draft of the Bill is determined.

So what else is happening, well it’s not raining, I have never seen the Waikato in such a state. The stud looks like the Hunter Valley when Gary Wallace and I visited in October. My mate Ramsey has been sending me photos of great swaths of green grass now, it is a funny world.

Super Seth takes on The Shark, among others in the $1m George Ryder Stakes, we have the draw, you know the one – nine out of nine. Not making excuses but anything inside five is certainly less challenging. The Slipper is 72 seconds of entertainment, they say it is the stallion making race, maybe, but two of the top 20 current Australian Sires are Slipper winners three are Cox Plate winners, go figure.

Still, I really hope they can manage somehow keep racing in both countries. Imagine no racing, owners disenchanted, horses by the dozen turned out, where and for how long. No accounts paid, owners walking away from their responsibility, it’s a mess that doesn’t bear thinking about. With Government edicts of gatherings of no more than 100 people, Broodmare Sales will be unlikely.

The problem is we have no idea of how long this may go on, or for that matter the end result. Mary and I had decided before Xmas to attend the French Open followed by five days in Rome, where a personal meeting with the Pope would now be on the cards, a cruise on an exclusive small cruise boat down the Italy Coast, across to Barcelona, San Sebastian, London then home. Seems rather like a death wish now, so will go into hiding.

P.S.) It is with profound sadness I read in Stuff the Wellington Newspaper of our TAB having to go cap in hand to attempt to salvage possible support from the Government.

I get no joy out of saying I told you so. Further, any that bothered to read my Corner on Waikato Weekly or as it previously was Weekend at Waikato, will know I am not wise after the event. I have from the appointment of Hughes as Chairperson and John Allen as Chief Executive persistently illustrated to them the error of their ways.

The convenience of Covid-19 may smudge over some of the tarnished reputations but I can assure you, we were in deep trouble a long time ago. I only know a couple on the RITA Board so will not comment on their ability, but I have said before Winston should have sought some industry views on those appointments.
However, I don’t need to tell you about the previous ten years, there would have been no need for a Messara Review had the previous Boards exercised the due diligence they should have.

Am I bitter? No, as I said at the start DISAPPOINTED

Garry Chittick


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