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BOAY site suspended


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Probably best to keep comments relatively civil, regardless of the opprobrium that has been sent this way by Doug and a few of his cronies

Maybe a techo problem, or they may have packed up shop, or some other unfortunate set of circumstances has occurred, in which case we do not want to be seen to be kicking someone while they are down

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I think Hesi meant we as in him and me Weasel. I'm sure he wouldn't be trying to speak for everyone on here.

I wouldn't call him spiteful as such. He especially has had to endure some pretty vicious attacks by the owner of BOAY including stuff you don't know about.

For my part, I'm happy to peacefully co exist but Doug keeps playing the victim card.

You're very correct that everyone on here is perfectly entitled to their views on the whole subject and also perfectly entitled to post wherever they choose.

We (Hesi and I) never take your support for granted and value it.




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1 hour ago, Maximus said:

in which case we do not want to be seen to be kicking someone while they are down

I hope you meant you do not want to kick someone while they're down. 'We' do not all share your spiteful approach to CS and his site and see the merits of both..


Yep, the discussion on camel toes in the Dog section was particularly meritorious................ it wasn't even about dogs:classic_rolleyes:...camels I think:classic_smile:

Pete's right, as always

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