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Winter Super Draft Comp Round 7 (FINAL) - Sat August 13 - entries here


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ROUND 7 (FINAL) - Sat Aug 13 (unlucky for some)

Well here we are at the Final Round and 3 teams have a chance of taking out the Winter Championship. The Puppet Masters are in the driving seat with a 4 point lead but even a maximum return result from them - they have used both their Jokers - will not guarantee them the title. The Reapers have a "double" Joker remaining which they will inflict on the comps' whipping boys (a shameful $6757 scored against the poor little furry fellas in just 6 rounds) - the Wily Wombats. A maximum points result from both teams would actually hand the title to The Reapers.

If the Puppet Masters were to lose - to the redoubtable Ramones - without scoring points, the Reapers would need a 3-2 win (but would also need to surpass the Puppet Masters' aggregate (currently trailing them by $221) or a 4-1 win or even a 3-2 win with a team profit bonus to get the job done.

Then there's the outrageous outsiders: Drink! Languishing down in 6th place with some uninspiring recent performances, they have nevertheless saved their Triple Joker for a final smash and grab raid on the title and possess a lineup capable of doing it if their players all fire on the same day (what odds ??). They will need a 5-zip win with team profit bonus and hope that the Masters fail to score a point and the Reapers score no more than 1 point (which will double to become two) against the Wily Wombats. Big ask for sure...

Early leaders Schitt's Creek will be out try and secure 2nd spot while the Ramones have hopes of doing likewise as they take on the table leaders and boast a better aggregate.

The Wily Wombats can spoil the Reapers' party but can't finish any higher than their current 5th spot, however they will have the incentive of trying to stay clear of the rabble below them consisting of drunkards and wild beasts of prey.

The Wolf Pack vs More Moet showdown has all the aura of a Wooden Spoon shootout although in reality with each side still carrying a Joker up their sleeves, they could both avoid the ignominy of the Spoon. More Moet could finish as high as 4th and the Wolfies could even scramble into 3rd. It sure to get uglier than a Melbourne Storm goal-line scrummage.

No1Plumber is seeking to complete the comp unbeaten with only the erratic Rees in his way while the Prize for the Magnificent Seven Final Leader is Pete's to throw away although Ramones pair Gary & Moose might want a word.


PJ's predictions:

Ramones to defeat the Puppet Masters by 3-2

Reapers to win narrowly over the Wombats 3-2

Drink! to valiantly defeat Schitt's Creek but only by 4-1 leaving them just shy of their goal (Our Maizcay or Graeme denying them victory)

Wolf Pack to down More Moet 3-2

Puppet Masters and Reapers each end up on 23 points but the Reapers win the Championship on aggregate. Drink! an unlikely bronze medal while More Moet take home the spoon made from trees...


Selections Close off at 12.09pm (NZ time)

Races are:

1. Riccarton R4 - 1.09pm - The Ned By Marisco Vineyards - $30k, 1800m, R65 BM

2. Riccarton R5 - 1.44pm - Zilco Open Hdcp - $40k, 1400m, open hdcp

3. Riccarton R6 - 2.19pm - Racecourse Hotel & Motor Lodge 147th Grand National Steeplechase (PJR) - $100k, 5600m, open stpl

4. Riccarton R7 - 2.54pm - Heatstore Open Hdcp - $40k, 1800m, open hdcp

5. Riccarton R8 - 3.29pm - Stephanie Murray Mortgages - $30k, 2000m, BM75 hdcp

6. Caulfield R5 - 4.35pm - Stow Storage Solutions Vain Stks (Gr3) - $200k, 1100m, 3yo colts & geldgs SW+Ps

7. Caulfield R6 - 5.15pm - Neds Quezette Stks (Gr3) - $200k, 1100m, 3yo fillies SW+Ps

8. Morphettville R7 - 6.07pm -Grand Syndicates Spring Stks (Gr3) - $127k, 1200m, WFA

9. Caulfield R8 - 6.35pm - P.B. Lawrence Stks (Gr2) - $300k, 1400m, WFA

10. Caulfield R9 - 7.08pm - Millennium Services Group Hdcp - $130k, 1400m, BM84 hdcp


Puppet Masters (1st) vs Ramones (4th)

Ziggy (4/2-1296.20/1081.40) v Moose (4/2-1572.80/1141.00)

Ray (3/3-960.40/1131.40) v Richie (2/4-613.60/889.00)

Roland (5/1-1203.00/1086.40) v Gary (4/2-1574.20/958.40)

Midnight Caller (3/3-980.80/1606.60) v Porky (3/3-1371.00/1072.00)

Ian (4/2-1319.00/1136.60) v Tom (1/5-814.80/1241.80)


Wily Wombats (5th) vs Reapers (2nd)

Secret Squirrel (2/4-1121.20/1547.80) v Smiler (2/4-1307.80/1375.80)

Tassie Tiger (3/3-1203.40/1473.40) v Heather (3/3-1132.80/1090.80)

PJ (3/3-1142.40/1313.00) v Hesi (3/3-788.40/770.20)

Rees (2/4-987.40/1272.40) v No1Plumber (6/0-1052.80/552.80)

Gospel of Judas (3/3-934.00/1151.20) v Tonkatime (4/2-1257.40/1010.80)


Drink! (6th) vs Schitt's Creek (3rd)

Sharne (3/3-1218.00/566.40) v Howie (4/2-862.60/799.20)

Punter Pete (3/3-723.00/1045.40) v Lightning Blue (2/4-704.60/1046.80)

Pete (3/3-1774.40/1193.60) v Steve P (4/2-1170.00/1083.40)

Blind Squirrel (3/3-1192.40/1247.00) v Graeme (3/3-1045.00/1199.00)

Maurice (2/4-1146.40/1350.60) v Our Maizcay (4/2-1491.20/1431.40)


Wolf Pack (7th) vs More Moet (8th)

Wrinkles (3/3-1132.60/691.40) v Gee (1/5-718.80/1393.40)

Jack (3/3-1455.20/923.00) v Rex (3/3-1400.00/1481.60)

Gordy (3/3-1091.60/958.40) v Max (3/3-1421.80/1382.20)

Pam (1/5-1048.00/1215.60) v Rob (3/3-1061.80/892.00)

Stevie N (4/2-1412.00/1165.40) v Jen (1/5-743.60/1134.60)



1774.40 Pete (Drink!) (3/3)

1574.20 Gary (Ramones) (4/2)

1572.80 Moose (Ramones) (4/2)

1491.20 Our Maizcay (Schitt's Creek) (4/2)

1455.20 Jack (Wolf Pack) (3/3)

1421.80 Max (More Moet) (3/3)

1412.00 Stevie N (Wolf Pack) (4/2)


THE SERENDIPITOUS SIX (those with the least $$ scored against them)

Richie (2/4-889.00) (Ramones)

Hesi (3/3-770.20) (Reapers)

Howie (4/2-799.20) (Schitt's Creek)

Wrinkles (3/3-691.40) (Wolf Pack)

Sharne (3/3-566.40) (Drink!)

No1 Plumber (6/0-552.80) (Reapers)


THE UNFORTUNATE FIVE (those with the most $$ scored against them)

Our Maizcay (4/2-1431.40) (Schitt's Creek)

Tassie Tiger (3/3-1473.40) (Wily Wombats)

Rex (3/3-1481.60) (More Moet)

Secret Squirrel (2/4-1547.80) (Wily Wombats)

Midnight Caller (3/3-1606.60) (Puppet Masters)


The Table after ROUND 6

1st 23 Puppet Masters^* $5760.40

2nd 19 Reapers^ $5539.20 

3rd 17 Schitt's Creek *^ $5273.00

4th 15 Ramones*^ $5946.40

5th 9 Wily Wombats^* $5569.00

6th 8 Drink!* $6051.20

7th 7 Wolf Pack^ $6139.40

8th 5 More Moet^ $5346.00


^ Triple Joker played

* Joker played


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