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RIP Jakey Boy


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Just now, barryb said:

Fuck that sux Pete, cats are my fav animal. Never owned by anyone, totally independent & only hang around and tolerate you till you stop feeding them and then they fuck off.

Mate he was just the best dude we've ever had.

I know what you mean about cats generally but this guy just loved hanging around with us.

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3 hours ago, pete said:

Totally gutted that our lovely boy Jake got run over by a car last Friday.

Some of you will remember him entering a couple of PJs comps.

Farewell beautiful boy. Too young to die at 3 years old.


Lovely photo Pete. Jake sure to of left you with many fun memories.

Both my 2 passed about 2 years,  with age kidney stuff and that , got them as kittens for the kids just before they started primary , and they did the long haul till they both finished Uni . now the 2 kids have left as well, and gone from the country exploring the world,  and so 'very quiet' around the place now 🥲 . Cats and kids sure give you some great times ......


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Sad news Pete, I just hope Jakey Boy didn’t suffer and went in a split second.

We are cat people, and have had 6 cats over the past 40 years, and thank goodness none of them has been run over, but have lived to old age.

Its always heartbreaking when you lose a pet.

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9 hours ago, Gordy said:

Sad news Pete, I just hope Jakey Boy didn’t suffer and went in a split second.

We are cat people, and have had 6 cats over the past 40 years, and thank goodness none of them has been run over, but have lived to old age.

Its always heartbreaking when you lose a pet.

Thanks Gordy. He did go in a split second.

Like you we've always had cats since 1990.

This is the first one this has happened to and it's just heartbreaking.

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So sorry to read about Jakey Boy, Pete.    A short but much loved life.     Can't beat Tabbies, they are such characters.

Introducing Laurence ...   he's not much of a mover and groover, more of a crawler and sprawler.   He usually manages to just get in the cat door or just enter a room before falling over into this position ...   



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1 hour ago, Dancing Show said:

So sorry to read about Jakey Boy, Pete.    A short but much loved life.     Can't beat Tabbies, they are such characters.

Introducing Laurence ...   he's not much of a mover and groover, more of a crawler and sprawler.   He usually manages to just get in the cat door or just enter a room before falling over into this position ...   



Thanks Maria. Some cats are just total dudes. With Jake he just loved having his tummy rubbed. Never a claw in sight. Laurence looks gorgeous.

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On 6/20/2023 at 6:56 PM, pete said:

Thanks Maria. Some cats are just total dudes. With Jake he just loved having his tummy rubbed. Never a claw in sight. Laurence looks gorgeous.

Tikka is gorgeous, love that white 🙂       You are so right about tabby dudes... Laurence is currently sprawled on a countdown paperbag that I put on the floor whilst unloading groceries .. which he wrestled with and then subdued into submission and flattened.. and has now fallen asleep  ...   we are cooking dinner around him ..     

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