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Afghanistan Fiasco

ngakonui grass

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23 minutes ago, Maximus said:

Its not their war; it's not their country. JFK eventually realised this about Vietnam in 1963. His Exec Order  263 began the process of quietly withdrawing from there. The first action LBJ took (less than 48hrs) after JFK was murdered was to reverse that policy.




LBJ's folly(a good name for a horse), he did a lot of good stuff though, to do with civil rights

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  • 4 weeks later...

I feel genuinely sad for the average Afghani who thought they had at least some semblance of peace and a normal life. Real tragedy. 

Now it is back to a stone age religion , coupled with Isis loose cannons blowing all and sundry up. Makes our Covid problem pall into insignificance in a way. 

Who will fill the vacuum , Putin must be rubbing his hands with glee.  

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from what i have read NZ left behind approx 500 eligible people that could come to NZ.The NZ Govt are saying that the military will no longer be dealing with evacuations so no doubt it will be Govt to Govt negotiations.Wonder how thats gunna go and how many of the 500 will still be alive when negotiations are concluded.

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Well I always thought Mickey Mouse would get to be President, but they managed to better that with Trump.

This demented old fool, reminds me of the poor old bugger you sometimes see ,stumbling behind his wife, mumbling under his breath (i,ll leave the toilet seat up if I want), waving his hand ,never won an argument in 60 yrs ,  used to be 6ft high and now 4ft 1. 

Dear me . 

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The irony is Uncle Sam will go back and support the TB to stop China moving in, ironic but the likely outcome 

Russia has enough home issues to be involved and will look to Uncle Sam to fund

USA companies will be there within 12 months to get the country up and running, South Vietnam revisited 

It is just the way it is, thanks Phil Collins

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