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World Cup Rugby - All Blacks v France

Howard Atkinson

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I hope for rugby's sake that this World Cup isn't blighted as many internationals have been blighted over the past 10 years, by a proliferation of yellow and red cards.
Internationals have mostly been decided by yellow and red cards over the past 10 years, rather than by the contest.
Referees regardless of directives from up on high need to understand that spectators want to watch a contest, not a farce.
The recent All-Blacks v Springboks match was the latest of many such farces, the Northern Hemisphere referee ensuring that the All Blacks played with 13 or 14 players for much of the match. Complete farce.
Imagine if you went to the races today, bet on Giga Kick, and 10 minutes before the race started the club announced that Giga Kick would be carrying 82 kgs, and not the carded weight !
Netball is an example of a sport that gets it right. Constant infringements, but the full complement of players are maintained throughout the game. It is well-known that the Australian defenders are well capable of going toe-to-toe with the All Blacks front-row in the "biff" stakes, maybe even best them, but you don't see them being marched from the field every time one of the New Zealand or English girls end up flat on their back on the floor !
Given the recent riots in Paris we can only shudder to think what will happen if France finds themselves down to 13 players on the field today. Sure as night turns to day things would "kick off" both inside and outside the Stade de France both figuratively and more alarmingly, literally.
And so the message is, muzzle yourselves, referees at this World Cup. No-one is there to see you.
Just heard that Sam Cane is out again today. Even when he's in, he's usually in the sin bin. Hasn't been a lot of use to the All Blacks cause for a very long time, unfortunately. 
No doubt once the Crusaders coach takes over the matter will be sorted once and for all. 
Where's Richie when you need him !

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29 minutes ago, Hesi said:

I think both sides were very cautious and treating the game with the respect it deserved.  In other circumstances they may have run the ball back a lot more, which would have made for a better spectacle, but also riskier.  

While I might agree about being cautious,  they don't have anyone to run the ball back. Where are the game breakers?. This is an old school team that should have been culled long ago. For me they don't have any really world class players who can lift the hopes and mental fortitude of their team during a game. Rudderless.

Out in the quarters, and the end of a lot of careers.

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Their speed of attack in the backs in the first half was excellent, and you thought it would come to the fore in the rest of the match, seemed to disappear in the second half though.....not sure why

I think they have the firepower to run the ball back, Mo'unga, Ioane, Telea, Jordan, even Beauden Barrett still has the pace.

Ardie Savea could be an inspirational captain, he certainly plays with inspiration.

But these guys have been chopped and changed around so much, they have never had a chance to settle into a position.


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