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Jason is the only one to nail the local. Ray has a nice best bet on the second horse to take an early second place.

Jason 9.00
Ray 7.00
Richie 3.90
Tonkatime 3.90
Rex 3.90
Rees 3.90
Wandering 0.00
Our Maizcay 0.00
Gazzac 0.00
PJ 0.00
Roland 0.00
Steve P 0.00
YOP 0.00
Moz 0.00
Rocky Way 0.00
Buller Rep 0.00
Brown Fox 0.00
Joan 0.00
Howie 0.00
Pete 0.00
Gordy 0.00
Craig 0.00
Maria 0.00
Max 0.00
Jen 0.00
Gee 0.00
Rob 0.00
No 1 Plumb 0.00
Pam 0.00
Zac 0.00
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Tonkatime takes a narrow lead over Jason.

Tonkatime 9.20
Jason 9.00
Ray 7.00
Wandering 5.30
Gordy 5.30
Moz 4.40
Richie 3.90
Rex 3.90
Rees 3.90
Our Maizcay 2.20
PJ 2.20
Rocky Way 2.20
Craig 2.20
Rob 2.20
No 1 Plumb 2.20
Pam 2.20
Maria 2.00
Zac 2.00
Gazzac 0.00
Roland 0.00
Steve P 0.00
YOP 0.00
Buller Rep 0.00
Brown Fox 0.00
Joan 0.00
Howie 0.00
Pete 0.00
Max 0.00
Jen 0.00
Gee 0.00
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No change at the top. 6 of us yet to trouble the scorer.

Tonkatime 14.90
Ray 12.70
Moz 10.10
Rees 9.60
Jason 9.00
Rocky Way 7.90
Craig 7.90
Maria 7.70
Gordy 6.70
Richie 6.70
Steve P 5.70
Brown Fox 5.70
Howie 5.70
Wandering 5.30
Rex 5.30
Our Maizcay 5.00
PJ 3.60
YOP 2.80
Rob 2.20
No 1 Plumb 2.20
Pam 2.20
Zac 2.00
Gazzac 1.40
Max 1.40
Roland 0.00
Buller Rep 0.00
Joan 0.00
Pete 0.00
Jen 0.00
Gee 0.00
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PJ tips a nice best bet on the class filly to zoom to the lead. Rees also a big mover into second.

PJ 17.40
Rees 16.50
Tonkatime 14.90
Ray 12.70
Moz 11.40
Rocky Way 10.90
Rob 10.50
Maria 10.30
Craig 9.40
No 1 Plumb 9.10
Jason 9.00
Richie 8.20
Gordy 8.00
Steve P 7.20
Roland 6.90
Pete 6.90
Wandering 6.80
Rex 6.80
Our Maizcay 6.30
Brown Fox 5.70
Howie 5.70
YOP 2.80
Gazzac 2.70
Joan 2.60
Pam 2.20
Zac 2.00
Max 1.40
Buller Rep 1.30
Jen 1.30
Gee 0.00


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The Wombat Captain hangs onto the lead. Getting very tight behind him. This is anybody's.

PJ 19.10
Jason 17.60
Tonkatime 16.60
Rees 16.50
Pete 15.50
Ray 14.40
Rex 13.00
Rocky Way 12.60
Moz 11.40
Craig 11.10
Rob 10.50
Maria 10.30
Jen 9.90
Richie 9.90
No 1 Plumb 9.10
Gordy 8.00
Steve P 7.20
Roland 6.90
Wandering 6.80
Our Maizcay 6.30
Brown Fox 5.70
Howie 5.70
Gazzac 4.40
YOP 2.80
Joan 2.60
Pam 2.20
Zac 2.00
Gee 1.70
Max 1.40
Buller Rep 1.30
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PJ nabs another to take a clear lead with 2 to go. Rob and Rex move into the minors.

PJ 24.70
Rob 19.10
Rex 18.60
Wandering 18.00
Pete 17.90
Jason 17.60
Tonkatime 16.60
Rees 16.50
Maria 15.90
No 1 Plumb 14.70
Ray 14.40
Jen 14.20
Gordy 13.60
Rocky Way 12.60
Moz 11.40
Craig 11.10
Richie 9.90
Brown Fox 8.10
Howie 8.10
Pam 7.80
Steve P 7.20
Roland 6.90
Our Maizcay 6.30
Gazzac 4.40
Max 3.80
YOP 2.80
Joan 2.60
Zac 2.00
Gee 1.70
Buller Rep 1.30
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Rob strikes again to streak past PJ into the lead. All to play for in the last.

Rob 29.00
PJ 24.70
Rex 20.70
Pete 20.00
No 1 Plumb 18.90
Wandering 18.00
Jason 17.60
Tonkatime 16.60
Rees 16.50
Maria 15.90
Ray 14.40
Jen 14.20
Gordy 13.60
YOP 12.70
Rocky Way 12.60
Moz 11.40
Craig 11.10
Richie 9.90
Our Maizcay 8.60
Brown Fox 8.10
Howie 8.10
Pam 7.80
Steve P 7.20
Roland 6.90
Gazzac 4.40
Zac 4.10
Max 3.80
Joan 2.60
Gee 1.70
Buller Rep 1.30
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Rob takes the win courtesy of the sub in the last. PJ is runner up and Wandering lobs into third.

Rob 33.20
PJ 24.70
Wandering 22.20
Rex 20.70
No 1 Plumb 20.50
Pete 20.00
Jason 17.60
Tonkatime 16.60
Rees 16.50
Ray 16.00
Maria 15.90
Jen 14.20
Gordy 13.60
YOP 12.70
Rocky Way 12.60
Howie 12.30
Moz 11.40
Craig 11.10
Richie 9.90
Gazzac 8.60
Our Maizcay 8.60
Brown Fox 8.10
Pam 7.80
Steve P 7.20
Roland 6.90
Zac 4.10
Max 3.80
Joan 2.60
Gee 1.70
Buller Rep 1.30
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Thank you Pete for all the effort that you put in. Thank you for co-sponsoring this Charity Competition.

I don't believe that I have ever finished last on a day, so hopefully next week is a complete turnaround. [That will teach me for anchoring the Pike Stable with my selections]

To all participants, Thank you too.

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38 minutes ago, Buller Rep said:

Thank you Pete for all the effort that you put in. Thank you for co-sponsoring this Charity Competition.

I don't believe that I have ever finished last on a day, so hopefully next week is a complete turnaround. [That will teach me for anchoring the Pike Stable with my selections]

To all participants, Thank you too.

Well at least  your Rugby team had  something go their way today.A very good win over my mighty men from Mid Canterbury 

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  • pete pinned this topic


We're away on the second day with 5 on the Eales debutant - including last week's winner Rob.

Rob 8.00
PJ 8.00
Rex 8.00
Maria 8.00
Gee 8.00
Wandering 2.90
Zac 2.90
No 1 Plumb 0.00
Pete 0.00
Jason 0.00
Tonkatime 0.00
Rees 0.00
Ray 0.00
Jen 0.00
Gordy 0.00
YOP 0.00
Rocky Way 0.00
Howie 0.00
Moz 0.00
Craig 0.00
Richie 0.00
Gazzac 0.00
Our Maizcay 0.00
Brown Fox 0.00
Pam 0.00
Steve P 0.00
Roland 0.00
Max 0.00
Joan 0.00
Buller Rep 0.00
TML Bro 0.00
Jack 0.00


Overall Totals

Rob 41.20
PJ 32.70
Rex 28.70
Wandering 25.10
Maria 23.90
No 1 Plumb 20.50
Pete 20.00
Jason 17.60
Tonkatime 16.60
Rees 16.50
Ray 16.00
Jen 14.20
Gordy 13.60
YOP 12.70
Rocky Way 12.60
Howie 12.30
Moz 11.40
Craig 11.10
Richie 9.90
Gee 9.70
Gazzac 8.60
Our Maizcay 8.60
Brown Fox 8.10
Pam 7.80
Steve P 7.20
Zac 7.00
Roland 6.90
Max 3.80
Joan 2.60
Buller Rep 1.30
TML Bro 0.00
Jack 0.00
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No one on the winner but a few label the third horse including Gee who takes the lead.

Gee 13.70
Rob 10.00
PJ 8.00
Rex 8.00
Maria 8.00
Pete 5.70
Gordy 5.70
Jack 5.70
Wandering 4.90
Zac 2.90
No 1 Plumb 0.00
Jason 0.00
Tonkatime 0.00
Rees 0.00
Ray 0.00
Jen 0.00
YOP 0.00
Rocky Way 0.00
Howie 0.00
Moz 0.00
Craig 0.00
Richie 0.00
Gazzac 0.00
Our Maizcay 0.00
Brown Fox 0.00
Pam 0.00
Steve P 0.00
Roland 0.00
Max 0.00
Joan 0.00
Buller Rep 0.00
TML Bro 0.00


Overall Totals

Rob 43.20
PJ 32.70
Rex 28.70
Wandering 27.10
Pete 25.70
Maria 23.90
No 1 Plumb 20.50
Gordy 19.30
Jason 17.60
Tonkatime 16.60
Rees 16.50
Ray 16.00
Gee 15.40
Jen 14.20
YOP 12.70
Rocky Way 12.60
Howie 12.30
Moz 11.40
Craig 11.10
Richie 9.90
Gazzac 8.60
Our Maizcay 8.60
Brown Fox 8.10
Pam 7.80
Steve P 7.20
Zac 7.00
Roland 6.90
Jack 5.70
Max 3.80
Joan 2.60
Buller Rep 1.30
TML Bro 0.00
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Gee 13.70
Rob 11.90
Tonkatime 11.20
Rocky Way 11.20
Our Maizcay 11.20
Pam 11.20
Max 11.20
TML Bro 11.20
PJ 9.60
Rex 9.60
Maria 8.00
Gordy 7.60
Jack 7.30
Wandering 6.50
Pete 5.70
Zac 4.50
Moz 3.80
No 1 Plumb 1.90
Gazzac 1.60
Joan 1.60
Buller Rep 1.60
Jason 0.00
Rees 0.00
Ray 0.00
Jen 0.00
YOP 0.00
Howie 0.00
Craig 0.00
Richie 0.00
Brown Fox 0.00
Steve P 0.00
Roland 0.00



Rob 45.10
PJ 34.30
Rex 30.30
Wandering 28.70
Tonkatime 27.80
Pete 25.70
Maria 23.90
Rocky Way 23.80
No 1 Plumb 22.40
Gordy 21.20
Our Maizcay 19.80
Pam 19.00
Jason 17.60
Rees 16.50
Ray 16.00
Gee 15.40
Moz 15.20
Max 15.00
Jen 14.20
YOP 12.70
Howie 12.30
TML Bro 11.20
Craig 11.10
Gazzac 10.20
Richie 9.90
Zac 8.60
Brown Fox 8.10
Jack 7.30
Steve P 7.20
Roland 6.90
Joan 4.20
Buller Rep 2.90
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Roland 29.30
Gee 13.70
Rob 13.10
Our Maizcay 12.40
Tonkatime 11.20
Rocky Way 11.20
Pam 11.20
Max 11.20
TML Bro 11.20
PJ 10.80
Pete 10.40
Rex 9.60
Maria 9.20
Jack 8.50
Wandering 7.70
Gordy 7.60
Moz 5.00
Zac 4.50
No 1 Plumb 3.10
Gazzac 1.60
Joan 1.60
Buller Rep 1.60
Rees 1.20
Ray 1.20
Craig 1.20
Jason 0.00
Jen 0.00
YOP 0.00
Howie 0.00
Richie 0.00
Brown Fox 0.00
Steve P 0.00l


Rob 46.30
Roland 36.20
PJ 35.50
Pete 30.40
Rex 30.30
Wandering 29.90
Tonkatime 27.80
Maria 25.10
Rocky Way 23.80
No 1 Plumb 23.60
Gordy 21.20
Our Maizcay 21.00
Pam 19.00
Rees 17.70
Jason 17.60
Ray 17.20
Moz 16.40
Gee 15.40
Max 15.00
Jen 14.20
YOP 12.70
Howie 12.30
Craig 12.30
TML Bro 11.20
Gazzac 10.20
Richie 9.90
Zac 8.60
Jack 8.50
Brown Fox 8.10
Steve P 7.20
Joan 4.20
Buller Rep 2.90
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