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The Race, Barrier Draw


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Copy That has definitely landed the plum draw,and you could ALMOST say it's his to lose. But at the back of my mind i have a feeling that Zac is going to come out hard with OTR and I think Blair will have a look as well,and there's a chance they could burn early and who knows,maybe set it up for something from the back to burn home late?. I think it'll be a great and intriguing race. Copy That will be my main bet,but i'll be having something on a fave of mine in Kango,if they do run it hard then he'll get home better than some,but he also doesn't mind toughing it out either.

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Righto. I like Old Town Old. Why can't he lead? Why does Copy Thats have to lead? Why not park Copy That as Spirit did. Why potentially gift the race to Copy That. Old Town Road, most times Iv looked has had crap draws, finally gets a good one. Hes just as speedy fast as Copy That & has drawn inside Copy That. And he has sustained long runs keeping up a top speed, coming wide in races.

Id be public announcing tactics if I was Z Butcher saying I'm leading at all costs. So Copy Thats connections know, not to come looking & if they chose to they can expect to end up parked & potentially pulled up again. Or they could not take that risk in speed dualing for lead winding Copy That up if leads not there, sit parked initial stages & wait for cover to come as it will being a $1 million race. All Stars would mid-race move at some point.

Edited by karrotsishere
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I love all the pre-race discussion, including "no comments" (Z Butcher), regarding tactics, and possible scenarios on how the race may unfold soon after the release point from the mobile arm. 

History tells us, whatever M Guerin thinks will happen after the start, the dead set opposite will eventuate! 

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5 hours ago, Forbury said:

I agree but I know Blair's driving well and it will be lead at all costs and I agree Zac should say I will lead at all costs but I think just make copy that work enough and save his horse enough to sprint lane it.i don't like copy that in this race unless like you say gets easy lead then wins as a result.i believe OTR has more of a winning chance with a good drive because he has advantage in the draw

Yes an interview with A Butt who thinks that based on Z Butcher not saying anything oppose stating he will lead at all costs means he will hand up. But A Butt says he will prob make him work for it a bit, & its all pendant on how he cross number 1. Also said that if gives  Copy That an easy lead, then pretty much hands race to Copy That. Will have to make him work a lil, but not too much that it stuffs both horses. Enough so he can get his shot up the passing lane.

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6 hours ago, Forbury said:

So I cannot call M Purdon a cheat even if he's been found guilty of this and as a result responsible for he's leading owners death.thats absorb and wrong as it proven FACT so if you still want to silence free speech I will never post again....

Probably best not to regurgitate that over. Focus on other things re The Race. Re stable driving, its not cheating, while by some it can be perceived as so but ultimately its within the rules of NZ racing, so unless HRNZ change that rule, people will continue to stable drive to their advantage. Like you I cant stand it. And I call it out, whoever stable does it.

32 minutes ago, Addington said:

and elsewhere. 

Gawd just took a peak & talking non-sense. HRNZ didn't fund The Race last year, they did not put a cent in. Waikato/Bay of Plenty Club & the slot holders did & Cambridge got product sponsors Grins. The extra $100,000 needed to put up the stake money to $1 million this year has come from a great idea by Cambridge with a sweepstake. They sold tickets. And the draw has been done. The winner wins $50k 10th place gets $2k. So all 10 people win $. https://www.nightofchampions.nz/sweepstake/  Its called a slot race for a reason. Its independently funded. If HRNZ put any in this year it would be a very small percentage of the $1 million.

For those local after having the Jewels taken off them which when was run last time at Cambridge, it was the highest ever turnover for Jewels & the 2nd highest ever turnover for the year by a club behind Cup Week.

It gives locals their time to shine. Something exciting to look forward too & 2 local pacers in. Nicolas Cage & Kango. There is alot of North reps 6 if include ex Northern Triple 8 now Aussie rep Old Town Road, Copy That, Nicolas Cage, Kango, BD Joe, ex Northern Triple Eight.

The entire community in Cambridge get behind it & make these days a success. One big day a year, that they Cambridge took up, put their hand up for. NOT HRNZ, BUT CAMBRIDGE. HRNZ had nothing to do with this. So they do not get the credit. Its all Cambridge. 

Ticket sales are expected to be a sell out crowd of 5000. It gets new people to the track & it gets people talking positively about Harness Racing. The turnover will be interesting with ONLY 8 RACES HRNZ/TAB gave them, after 120 noms. Obviously some missed out. Also consider punters $$ majority of $ comes from the North people! The Northern Punters are funding Harness racing in NZ! Cambridge prob aren't worried about some know-all self-proclaimed expert punter in the South anyway. Repeat the money comes from the North.

Great to see initiative & a Big after party with a TOP NZ singer/song writer M James. DJs playing too thru- out the nite. Great way to try to get new young demos to the races & involved.

Edited by karrotsishere
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Smart - Telfer saying publically he will have a crack on BD JOE for lead. See the scary tactics are out there now. Good now connections of Copy That wont be thinking they will just get gifted the lead. Now they need to consider a fight for the lead & also remember Copy Thats history when in a fight for the lead.

Its all on.

Good tho with $1 millon up for grabs. No point going back on BD Joe. No chance from the back. And as Telfer says if he misses the front cover will likely come.

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47 minutes ago, Happy Sunrise said:

And credit to Cambridge for doing 'The Race'

When you look at the situation presented in the report they are to be highly commended for going against the norm and having a crack.

Agree. And it brings in Australian interest too & some Aussies are coming over for it.

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Here is an example of bringing non usual race goers to races for The Race.


W Keoghan doesn’t follow the horses. He’d never heard of Copy That before today.
But on Friday night, there won’t be one person in the country more focussed on his run in the $1million The Race By Grins at Cambridge.
That’s because Keoghan stands to win $50,000 if Copy That takes out the big slot race after drawing the ruling favourite in Cambridge Raceway’s sweepstake.
That Keoghan, even bought a ticket was remarkable considering he and his wife hadn’t been to the races for more than four years when they went with some family and friends last Thursday.
It was a sheer fluke. We hadn’t been to the trots for I don’t know how long, it was well before Covid. But it was Easter weekend and we were going away in motorhome with a friend so we thought why not park up there on Thursday night and go on to Rotorua the next day.
“I was up at the bar and the girl asked would I like a ticket in a sweepstake. I heard her say if we got drawn, we’d win a minimum of $2000, and to be honest I didn’t even listen to the rest of what she was saying.”
Keoghan says they wouldn’t normally spend $100 on a lottery ticket but when he put it to his wife, “she hummed and haaa-ed for a while, then we decided we’d take a punt.

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On 4/11/2023 at 7:52 AM, karrotsishere said:

Righto. I like Old Town Old. Why can't he lead?

I think he can. I have studied some of his races and he possesses a lethal turn of foot, and a good draw for once in a top race. He looped the field along with Majestic Cruiser in the FFA last year . He's a horse on the up.  Frankly I think BD Joe doesn't possess enough speed and won't lead, if anything he will get parked, but he can finish his race's off given a sit.

Which leaves Copy That. Would have to press forward surely from there, land a trail or the front . Of course working too hard early could leave them sitting ducks for swoopers The pace is going to be on, and that will make it very difficult for Self Assured and Akuta at Cambridge .They will have to work their butts off to make any headway, going around ,in my opinion horses that shouldn't be there. (no offence to the connections).Of course an upset is always on the cards with the right run. OTR for me, loads of potential this horse. 

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9 hours ago, Forbury said:

I don't believe it's smart it's a load of bulls**t as he's said Kalua flybye would go back and not lead and Matt white tried at all costs to lead before it broke at the park.then when first up in Sydney he said it won't go forward and have a crack for lead but the opposite happened again so on so on.he keeps saying misleading information in the media so I would not listen to a word he says

Oh how interesting Telfer has said misleading things. I wasn't meaning for punters, I was meaning to other trainers/drivers. R Green has taken the bait. Meaning that Green cant just think Copy That can just stroll to lead. Good in his reply tho. Hes funny sometimes ha.


Green isn’t flustered at co-trainer S Telfer’s declaration that he’ll be asking driver Tim Williams to get B D Joe off the gate as hard as he can from five.
With Z Butcher certain to also spear Old Town Road out from two, Copy That looks like copping pressure from both sides.

“What do they think we’ll be doing in the meantime?” says Green, confirming what everyone already knows that Copy That will also be gunning for the top.

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Here is my fun guess race scenerio, bragging rights for the poster that gets it closest to the mark.

Old Town Road crosses No Matter Wat, Copy That goes out with OTR. BD Joe comes out also. OTR leads, Copy That keeps pressing forward as does BJ Joe, to eventually Copy That is in the lead & BD Joe is parked with OTR in trail. No matter Wat 3 back fence, Nicolas Cage 4 back fence, Self Assured has pushed thru to get the 1/1, Akuta has moved directly behind Self Assured to be 3 bak outer. Triple 8 drops bak off gate & ends up 4 bak outer, his stable mate Bettor Esclipse files back also & lands behind him in outer & Kango goes bak & either files in outer behind them or takes up the rail to be 5 back.

This is how they stay initially field order. Until Bettor Eclipse moves. This move could be at anytime, but he goes 1st. Pending when he moves if its in the 2nd 1/2 of the race Triple 8 will grab his back & be a helmet to follow. Akuta sees this movement from back coming & M Purdon isnt that keen on being 4 bak outer over final stages  or even 5 bak outter, so he needs to move to either go infront of the moving forward Bettor Eclipse or follow him in on the helmet. Probably push out infront of him actally. Seeing the 3 wide line coming N Ras will make a decision to move too with them either in-front of them or behind them. Pending where in the running this takes place, she could push Bettor Eclipse 4 wide.

BJ Joe would of got the shuffle up, maybe to 3 bak outer or worse case 4 bak outer final stages. He potentially needs to push out, or risk getting pushed back.

Copy That copes not much pressure other than the initial getting the lead pressure, because none of these are types that will bully or apply lots of pressure.

1st, 2nd in any order Copy That & Old Town Road.

3rd - 4th who knows.

Kango & Nicolas Cage wont be able to get into it, due to the draws hurting them & them being out the back majority of the race. Altho with Cage being tucked up 4 bak rail, he may finish the race off nicely running on. Could get 5th.

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The big day has arrived for Cambridge. Judging by weather report looks like will be a nice evening. 

Who will be the victor?

Great timing with getting M James today for after party, as he starts his world tour  18th April in France, traveling thru Europe, before heading to UK then Australia then back to NZ. His world tour tickets are ND65.

So a bit of a deal for tonights race-goers which includes a free drink alchol or non alcholic, plus 3 Djs playing between races. Plus the big $1 million race.

Early general admin was NZD30, then NZD40, now final last minute sales NZD50.

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24 minutes ago, Maximus said:

Terrible idea IMO..one race for a mill, the other 7 worth $150k between them ...havent seen anything much in the way of promotional activity to entice a race-loving crowd and if it takes a DJ for the after-party to get peeps on-course and the younger generation to turn up and pay $50 to groove the night away, well good luck to them.



Yip know what you mean re usual race goer. Suspect those will have brought the $150 or $360 hospitality tickets which are all sold out. As of yesterday morning pre gate sales were 4000. By R1 its expected a full house of 5000.

With the stats being older generation & a need to try to get younger people interested, involved or at least know about Harness, well here it is. They will be on track its a start. I think its a great idea. How many on track are there these days of the regular race goer? Hardly any. 

M James is a singer songer writer not a DJ lol. Google him. 1st name Mitch. Nomed top Kiwi artist etc. Has hits like Sunday Mornings & 21. 

Agree re promotion. I thought there would of been more. But whatever they have done seems to have worked as will be a sell out crowd of 5000. 

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